¿Does any BSP viewer work on 64-bit OS?

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¿Does any BSP viewer work on 64-bit OS?

Post by xXF3RcHoXx »

Cheers, I recently got a new laptop, an ASUS N550J with Windows 8.1 Pro x64, I was going to do my modding shenanigans but I realized it can't open Entity's BSP viewer, it throws an unhandled exception about "not a valid Win32 application", any halp? shall I install a virtual machine and install x86 OS?
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Re: ¿Does any BSP viewer work on 64-bit OS?

Post by JacksonCougar »

moonfish runs in 64bit environments. there might be a recompiled version out there of entity as well that may work. did you try compatibility modes £¢ÜÖÿùìpqryâÇ}~⌂Ç|xyz{{|}~⌂Çüéâäàåçêëè☺♀-./01-,+*)'&%$#"!♥2 ▼!"♥Ü♪♫¶▬↨↑↓→←∟↔▲▼ !/09D;:9<=>?
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Re: ¿Does any BSP viewer work on 64-bit OS?

Post by Prey »

Hi Ferchos I just blew the dust off and gave entity a go on my 64bit windows 7 and it worked fine. Depending on how serious you are about getting your problem solved you're going to have to provide more information than a 5 word generic message that could mean anything - i.e. at what point exactly did it throw the error, what details did it give, and what operating system, computer specs, net framework and directx versions do you have installed.
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Re: ¿Does any BSP viewer work on 64-bit OS?

Post by JacksonCougar »

i actually have the same problem as ferchox when using entity 2.1.21 (troys) and trying to open the bsp viewer. i know i have solved it though somehow because i have opened the bsp viewer to check and compare things to, so maybe its just the default compile target he uses? ie; if you have the source, try compiling it to x64 explicitly?

because its all using managed libs i don't actually know what's going on to cause it to break.

update; just tried entity 2.1.14 and it worked fine.
update; tried entity 2.1.21 from debug source and it gave me a mixed mode assembly error (probably stemming from the use of managed-directx which is .net what 2? and entity running on .net 4.0).

so try using entity version 2.1.14
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Re: ¿Does any BSP viewer work on 64-bit OS?

Post by Click16 »

I always fixed the BSP viewers for "legacy" versions of Entity by using the CorFlags.exe program that is included with the .NET Framework. If you set Entity.exe to run under x86, it all works out fine. This is how I get the aPMI build of entity to work under x64 windows.

EDIT: Actually CorFlags is included with Visual Studio as a Development tool.
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Re: ¿Does any BSP viewer work on 64-bit OS?

Post by troymac1ure »

Hmm.. Know I had it working on 64-bit at one time and never realized it didn't still. My computers are all ancient, so I have no way of testing, but I thought I forced it to compile and run 32-bit. It's possible a setting got changed along the way.

http://www.quantcode.com/modules/smartf ... ?faqid=105 <= x86 Compiling

http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1381 ... ss-edition <= running corflags.exe
originally from post:

I don't see any changes between 2.1.14 and the newest, but I may have compiled it under "Any CPU" instead of "x86". You couyld try compiling the code under x86 to force it into 32-bit mode or running corflags as mentioned above.
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Re: ¿Does any BSP viewer work on 64-bit OS?

Post by xXF3RcHoXx »

Hello, following Prey's advice, these are all the infos I can provide:

Computer specs:

Processor: Intel Core i7 4500U 4th-generation @ 1.80GHz. 2 cores, 4 threads.
Graphics: nVidia Geforce 745M (2 GB) dedicated graphics, Intel HD Graphics Family (2 GB),
1920x1080 HD LCD Display


OS: Windows 8.1 Pro x64
framework version: 4.5.1

Entity's versions I tried with: 1.3.9, 2.1.24 throws another error while selecting bsp tag
Compatibility settings:
*Run as administrator
*Compatibility set to Windows XP SP3
*Reduced color mode, 16-bit

this is the other error 2.1.24 throws after selecting map's sbps tag

now, this is in entity 1.3.9
*run as admin
*Compatibility set to windows 7 (XP dones't show up in list)

selects bsp tag just fine, then you go to blue Plus symbol, select "View BSP" and instantly it says this:

more detailed:
************** Texto de la excepción **************
System.BadImageFormatException: no es una aplicación Win32 válida. (Excepción de HRESULT: 0x800700C1)
en entity.MapForm.viewBSPToolStripMenuItem_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
en System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem.RaiseEvent(Object key, EventArgs e)
en System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem.OnClick(EventArgs e)
en System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem.HandleClick(EventArgs e)
en System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem.HandleMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e)
en System.Windows.Forms.ToolStrip.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mea)
en System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripDropDown.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mea)
en System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)
en System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
en System.Windows.Forms.ToolStrip.WndProc(Message& m)
en System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripDropDown.WndProc(Message& m)
en System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
en System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

************** Ensamblados cargados **************
Versión del ensamblado:
Versión Win32: 2.0.50727.8009 (FX35W81RTMGDR.050727-8000)
Código base: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.NET/Framework64/v2.0.50727/mscorlib.dll
Versión del ensamblado: 1.0.2523.31034
Versión Win32: 1.0.2523.31034
Código base: file:///C:/Users/Ferch_000/Documents/Modding/Tools/Entity_1.3.9/Entity.exe
Versión del ensamblado:
Versión Win32: 2.0.50727.8008 (FX35W81RTMGDR.050727-8000)
Código base: file:///C:/Windows/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Windows.Forms/
Versión del ensamblado:
Versión Win32: 2.0.50727.8009 (FX35W81RTMGDR.050727-8000)
Código base: file:///C:/Windows/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System/
Versión del ensamblado:
Versión Win32: 2.0.50727.8007 (FX35W81RTMGDR.050727-8000)
Código base: file:///C:/Windows/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Drawing/
Versión del ensamblado:
Versión Win32:
Código base: file:///C:/Users/Ferch_000/Documents/Modding/Tools/Entity_1.3.9/HaloMap.DLL
Versión del ensamblado:
Versión Win32: 2.0.50727.8007 (FX35W81RTMGDR.050727-8000)
Código base: file:///C:/Windows/assembly/GAC_MSIL/Accessibility/
Versión del ensamblado:
Versión Win32: 2.0.50727.8009 (FX35W81RTMGDR.050727-8000)
Código base: file:///C:/Windows/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Xml/
Versión del ensamblado:
Versión Win32:
Código base: file:///C:/Users/Ferch_000/Documents/Modding/Tools/Entity_1.3.9/SandDock.DLL
Versión del ensamblado:
Versión Win32:
Código base: file:///C:/Users/Ferch_000/Documents/Modding/Tools/Entity_1.3.9/MetaEditor.cs.DLL
Versión del ensamblado:
Versión Win32:
Código base: file:///C:/Users/Ferch_000/Documents/Modding/Tools/Entity_1.3.9/BitmapEditor.DLL
Versión del ensamblado:
Versión Win32: 2.0.50727.8009 (FX35W81RTMGDR.050727-8000)
Código base: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.NET/Framework64/v2.0.50727/mscorlib.dll
Versión del ensamblado: 1.0.2368.29076
Versión Win32:
Código base: file:///C:/Users/Ferch_000/Documents/Modding/Tools/Entity_1.3.9/Libraries/BugReporter.dll
Versión del ensamblado:
Versión Win32: 8.0.50727.8007 (FX35W81RTMGDR.050727-8000)
Código base: file:///C:/Windows/assembly/GAC_MSIL/Microsoft.VisualBasic/
Model Resizer
Versión del ensamblado: 1.0.2372.23755
Versión Win32:
Código base: file:///C:/Users/Ferch_000/Documents/Modding/Tools/Entity_1.3.9/Libraries/Model%20Resizer.dll
XML Plugin Reader
Versión del ensamblado: 1.0.2372.30415
Versión Win32:
Código base: file:///C:/Users/Ferch_000/Documents/Modding/Tools/Entity_1.3.9/Libraries/XML%20Plugin%20Reader.dll
Versión del ensamblado:
Versión Win32: 2.0.50727.7905 (win9rel.050727-7900)
Código base: file:///C:/Windows/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Windows.Forms.resources/

************** Depuración JIT **************
Para habilitar la depuración Just In Time (JIT), el archivo de configuración de esta
aplicación o equipo (machine.config) debe tener el
valor jitDebugging establecido en la sección system.windows.forms.
La aplicación también se debe compilar con la depuración

Por ejemplo:

<system.windows.forms jitDebugging="true" />

Cuando esté habilitada la depuración JIT, cualquier excepción no controlada
se enviará al depurador JIT registrado en el equipo
en lugar de controlarlo mediante el cuadro de diálogo.
Last edited by xXF3RcHoXx on Sat Dec 06, 2014 1:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ¿Does any BSP viewer work on 64-bit OS?

Post by Click16 »

Hey Fercho, I can help you fix this, I should be on Skype anytime after 4:00 PM EST, Just keep bothering me until I respond. (I might be asleep ... ) I can definitely help you with this issue, because I've solved it for myself countless times.
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Re: ¿Does any BSP viewer work on 64-bit OS?

Post by JacksonCougar »

the error 2.1.14 throws is plugin related; try mine.

This plugin will throw a tag error (hit continue) because I fucked up the 16 bit header in it but you can safely ignore that (it's not really part of the tag per se). Everything else seems good.

the error 1.3.9 throws is mis-matched compilations stuff. It's trying to run an x86 piece of code with a x64 one.
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Re: ¿Does any BSP viewer work on 64-bit OS?

Post by xXF3RcHoXx »

It now loaded, niiiiiiice, however Entity says your plugin has an error at offset 12, cougar :v thanks though, now I can test moar shiznits *evil laughter*

Thank you Click, I'll get on later in the day, I'm at work right now, in the meantime, hoorray now I can decompile maps in 15 seconds and rebuild in less than one minute, does anyone know a fix for H2Core? I think the graphic system it used (menus and such, meh) are messed up, you click them and they freeze for like 1 minute and then you can interact with them, but it happens every time you click any item in the menu, In windows 7 I remember I disabled desktop composition and visual themes in compatibility tab, but now, in win8.1, I can't select "reduced color mode" and ONLY happens with H2Core's exe (so does guerilla's one), this is a pic:


plus in OS submenu, the oldest that appears is Windows Vista :c
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Re: ¿Does any BSP viewer work on 64-bit OS?

Post by Click16 »

Don't worry about setting that "compatibility mode" you only need to disable desktop composition. If the theme doesn't change to Aero basic (Or whatever it is in Win 8) when you're loading H2Core, you may just need to change the theme to a basic theme by hand. It has to do with those "Sandock" .NET controls.
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Re: ¿Does any BSP viewer work on 64-bit OS?

Post by xXF3RcHoXx »

Click16 wrote:Don't worry about setting that "compatibility mode" you only need to disable desktop composition. If the theme doesn't change to Aero basic (Or whatever it is in Win 8) when you're loading H2Core, you may just need to change the theme to a basic theme by hand. It has to do with those "Sandock" .NET controls.
That won't work under Win8 :c Desktop composition is now a core process / feature and cannot be disabled, not even with Basic themes, there is a method to "disable" it but causes complete malfuction of the OS, I tried it and graphics glitched and desktop gone completely black and unresponsive, I had to force shutdown.

Is there another way around it? or shall I just deal with it and wait the while it takes when loading the menu's?
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Re: ¿Does any BSP viewer work on 64-bit OS?

Post by Click16 »

xXF3RcHoXx wrote:That won't work under Win8 :c Desktop composition is now a core process / feature and cannot be disabled, not even with Basic themes, there is a method to "disable" it but causes complete malfuction of the OS, I tried it and graphics glitched and desktop gone completely black and unresponsive, I had to force shutdown.

Is there another way around it? or shall I just deal with it and wait the while it takes when loading the menu's?
I'm not gonna say its an issue with windows 8, but more so an issue with the control library that the creators of H2C and H2G decided to use. I could always try to decompile and recompile the programs, but that would most likely result in endless errors. Unless someone has working source code, options are limited.
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Re: ¿Does any BSP viewer work on 64-bit OS?

Post by OwnZ joO »

Found these after a quick search through my hard drive.
h2core source 3-7-7.7z
(257.86 KiB) Downloaded 363 times
H2G source 3-7-7.7z
(135.39 KiB) Downloaded 381 times
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Re: ¿Does any BSP viewer work on 64-bit OS?

Post by xXF3RcHoXx »

IMO 3-7-7 sucks badly, Guerilla's doesn't have a "Copy all" button, which for AI mods is a really major let down, coz there are hundreds of stuff you need to transfer. I really don't mind if I have to wait a small while for the menu's to load, it's really annoying, but at least it works, I can rebuild maps in under a minute
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Re: ¿Does any BSP viewer work on 64-bit OS?

Post by xXF3RcHoXx »

Click16 wrote:I always fixed the BSP viewers for "legacy" versions of Entity by using the CorFlags.exe program that is included with the .NET Framework. If you set Entity.exe to run under x86, it all works out fine. This is how I get the aPMI build of entity to work under x64 windows.

EDIT: Actually CorFlags is included with Visual Studio as a Development tool.
Would you mind teaching me how to do it? I NEED to use 1.3.9 coz it's the only entity version that displays well enough AI spawns in BSP viewer
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Re: ¿Does any BSP viewer work on 64-bit OS?

Post by SikSemper »

xXF3RcHoXx wrote:
Click16 wrote:I always fixed the BSP viewers for "legacy" versions of Entity by using the CorFlags.exe program that is included with the .NET Framework. If you set Entity.exe to run under x86, it all works out fine. This is how I get the aPMI build of entity to work under x64 windows.

EDIT: Actually CorFlags is included with Visual Studio as a Development tool.
Would you mind teaching me how to do it? I NEED to use 1.3.9 coz it's the only entity version that displays well enough AI spawns in BSP viewer

Although I haven't done it myself, I copied this from Superuser.com:
Download the Microsoft Windows SDK for Windows 7 and .NET Framework 4: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/downloa ... px?id=8279

Install it;

Grab Microsoft CorFlags utility named CorFlags.exe from the Bin folder of the SDK program files directory;

Flag your application to use 32Bit dll's using:

CorFlags /32BIT+ yourapplication.exe
The next time you execute your application, Windows will see the new header and will execute it as a 32-bit application. Your application will use the 32-bit DLL's provided by windows.
See if that helps you out!

I suppose you could either install the SDK, or Visual studio to get Corflags.
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Re: ¿Does any BSP viewer work on 64-bit OS?

Post by xXF3RcHoXx »

SikSemper wrote:
See if that helps you out!

I suppose you could either install the SDK, or Visual studio to get Corflags.
I have already installed Visual Studio 2013, I'll mess around with it, I hope it works, thank you dude
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Re: ¿Does any BSP viewer work on 64-bit OS?

Post by troymac1ure »

xXF3RcHoXx wrote:
Click16 wrote:I always fixed the BSP viewers for "legacy" versions of Entity by using the CorFlags.exe program that is included with the .NET Framework. If you set Entity.exe to run under x86, it all works out fine. This is how I get the aPMI build of entity to work under x64 windows.

EDIT: Actually CorFlags is included with Visual Studio as a Development tool.
Would you mind teaching me how to do it? I NEED to use 1.3.9 coz it's the only entity version that displays well enough AI spawns in BSP viewer
I added AI Spawn support to the newest version, but I can't remember how far I got. Does it not show properly or not save?

TroyMac1ure wrote:+BSP Viewer: AI Squads: Starting Locations XYZ and Yaw-Pitch
Looks like AI Spawns should be editable, just not the zones.
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