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Post by xxpenguinxx »

* Ablutophobia - Fear of washing or bathing.
* Acarophobia - Fear of itching or of insects whose bites cause itching.
* Acerophobia - Fear of sourness.
* Achluophobia, Lygophobia, Nyctophobia, Scotophobia - Fear of darkness.
* Acousticophobia - Fear of noise.
* Acrophobia, Altophobia - Fear of heights.
* Aerophobia - Fear of drafts, air swallowing or airborne noxious substances.
* Aeroacrophobia - Fear of open high places.
* Aeronausiphobia - Fear of vomiting secondary to airsickness.
* Agateophobia, Dementophobia, Maniaphobia - Fear of insanity.
* Agliophobia, Algophobia, Odynophobia, Odynephobia - Fear of pain.
* Agoraphobia - Fear of the outdoors, crowds or uncontrolled social conditions.
* Agraphobia, Contreltophobia - Fear of sexual abuse.
* Agrizoophobia - Fear of wild animals.
* Agyrophobia, Dromophobia - Fear of streets or crossing the street.
* Aibohphobia - Fear of palindromes
* Aichmophobia, Belonephobia, Enetophobia - Fear of needles or pointed objects.
* Ailurophobia, Elurophobia, Felinophobia, Galeophobia, Gatophobia - Fear of cats.
* Albuminurophobia - Fear of kidney disease[?].
* Alektorophobia - Fear of chickens.
* Alliumphobia - Fear of garlic.
* Allodoxaphobia - Fear of opinions.
* Amathophobia, Koniophobia - Fear of dust.
* Amaxophobia - Fear of riding in a car.
* Ambulophobia[?], Stasibasiphobia[?], Stasiphobia[?] - Fear of walking or standing.
* Amnesiphobia[?] - Fear of amnesia.
* Amychophobia[?]- Fear of scratches or being scratched.
* Anablephobia[?] - Fear of looking up.
* Ancraophobia[?], Anemophobia - Fear of wind.
* Androphobia[?], Arrhenphobia[?], Hominophobia[?] - Fear of men.
* Anginophobia[?] - Fear of angina, choking or narrowness.
* Anglophobia - Fear of England, English culture, etc.
* Angrophobia[?] - Fear of anger or of becoming angry.
* Ankylophobia[?] - Fear of immobility of a joint.
* Anthrophobia[?], Anthophobia[?] - Fear of flowers.
* Anthropophobia[?] - Fear of people or society.
* Antlophobia[?] - Fear of floods.
* Anuptaphobia[?] - Fear of staying single.
* Apeirophobia[?] - Fear of infinity.
* Aphenphosmphobia[?], Chiraptophobia[?], Haphephobia[?], Haptephobia[?] - Fear of being touched.
* Apiphobia[?], Melissophobia[?] - Fear of bees.
* Apotemnophobia[?] - Fear of persons with amputations.
* Arachibutyrophobia[?] - Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth.
* Arachnophobia - Fear of spiders.
* Arithmophobia[?] - Fear of numbers.
* Arsonphobia, Pyrophobia - Fear of fire.
* Asthenophobia[?] - Fear of fainting or weakness.
* Astraphobia[?], Astrapophobia[?], Brontophobia[?], Keraunophobia[?] - Fear of thunder and lightning.
* Astrophobia[?] - Fear of stars and celestial space.
* Asymmetriphobia[?] - Fear of asymmetry.
* Ataxiophobia[?] - Fear of ataxia.
* Ataxophobia[?] - Fear of disorder or untidiness.
* Atelophobia[?] - Fear of imperfection.
* Atephobia[?] - Fear of ruin or ruins.
* Athazagoraphobia[?] - Fear of being forgotten, ignored or forgetting.
* Atomosophobia[?] - Fear of atomic explosions.
* Atychiphobia[?], Kakorrhaphiophobia[?] - Fear of failure.
* Aulophobia[?]- Fear of flutes.
* Aurophobia[?] - Fear of gold.
* Auroraphobia[?] - Fear of the Northern Lights.
* Autodysomophobia[?] - Fear that one has a vile odour.
* Automatonophobia[?] - Fear of any inanimate object that represents a sentient being, eg. statues, dummies, robots, etc.
* Automysophobia[?] - Fear of being dirty.
* Autophobia[?], Eremophobia[?], Isolophobia[?], Monophobia[?] - Fear of being alone or fear of oneself.
* Aviophobia[?], Aviatophobia[?], Pteromerhanophobia[?] - Fear of flying.


* Bacillophobia[?], Microbiophobia[?] - Fear of microbes.
* Bacteriophobia[?] - Fear of bacteria.
* Ballistophobia[?] - Fear of missiles or bullets.
* Bolshephobia[?] - Fear of Bolsheviks.
* Barophobia[?] - Fear of gravity.
* Basophobia[?], Basiphobia[?] - Fear of walking or falling.
* Bathmophobia - Fear of stairs or steep slopes.
* Bathophobia[?] - Fear of depth.
* Batophobia[?] - Fear of heights or of being close to high buildings.
* Batrachophobia[?] - Fear of amphibians.
* Bibliophobia[?] - Fear of books.
* Blennophobia[?], Myxophobia[?] - Fear of slime.
* Bogyphobia[?] - Fear of bogies or the bogeyman[?].
* Botanophobia[?] - Fear of plants.
* Bromidrosiphobia[?], Bromidrophobia[?] - Fear of body odours.
* Bufonophobia[?] - Fear of toads.


* Cacophobia[?] - Fear of ugliness.
* Cainophobia[?], Cainotophobia[?], Cenophobia[?], Centophobia[?], Kainolophobia[?], Kainophobia[?], Neophobia[?] - Fear of newness, novelty.
* Caligynephobia[?], Venustraphobia[?] - Fear of beautiful women.
* Cancerophobia, Carcinophobia[?] - Fear of cancer.
* Cardiophobia[?] - Fear of heart disease.
* Carnophobia[?] - Fear of meat.
* Catagelophobia[?], Katagelophobia[?] - Fear of being ridiculed.
* Catapedaphobia[?] - Fear of jumping from high and low places.
* Cathisophobia[?], Kathisophobia[?], Thaasophobia[?] - Fear of sitting.
* Catoptrophobia[?] - Fear of mirrors.
* Ceraunophobia[?], Tonitrophobia[?] - Fear of thunder.
* Chaetophobia[?], Trichopathophobia[?], Trichophobia[?], Hypertrichophobia[?] - Fear of hair.
* Cheimaphobia[?], Cheimatophobia[?], Psychrophobia[?] - Fear of cold.
* Chemophobia - Fear of chemicals or working with chemicals.
* Cherophobia[?] - Fear of gaiety.
* Chionophobia[?] - Fear of snow.
* Chirophobia[?] - Fear of hands.
* Cholerophobia[?] - Fear of anger or the fear of cholera.
* Chorophobia[?] - Fear of dancing.
* Chrometophobia[?], Chrematophobia[?] - Fear of money.
* Chromophobia[?], Chromatophobia[?] - Fear of colours.
* Chronophobia[?] - Fear of time.
* Chronomentrophobia[?] - Fear of clocks.
* Cibophobia[?], Sitophobia[?], Sitiophobia[?] - Fear of food.
* Claustrophobia[?] - Fear of confined spaces.
* Cleithrophobia[?], Cleisiophobia[?] - Fear of being locked in an enclosed place.
* Cleptophobia[?], Kleptophobia[?] - Fear of stealing.
* Climacophobia[?] - Fear of stairs or of climbing or falling down stairs.
* Clinophobia - Fear of going to bed.
* Clithrophobia[?], Cleithrophobia[?] - Fear of being enclosed.
* Cnidophobia[?] - Fear of stings.
* Cometophobia[?] - Fear of comets.
* Coimetrophobia[?] - Fear of cemeteries.
* Coitophobia[?], Genophobia[?] - Fear of coitus.
* Coprastasophobia[?] - Fear of constipation.
* Coprophobia[?], Scatophobia[?] - Fear of feces.
* Coulrophobia[?] - Fear of clowns.
* Counterphobia[?] - The preference by a phobic person for fearful situations.
* Cremnophobia[?] - Fear of precipices.
* Cryophobia[?] - Fear of extreme cold, ice or frost.
* Crystallophobia[?] - Fear of crystals or glass.
* Cyberphobia[?], Logizomechanophobia[?] - Fear of computers or working on a computer.
* Cyclophobia[?] - Fear of bicycles.
* Cymophobia[?], Kymophobia[?] - Fear of waves or wave-like motions.
* Cynophobia[?] - Fear of dogs or rabies.
* Cypridophobia[?], Cypriphobia[?], Cyprianophobia[?], Cyprinophobia[?] - Fear of prostitutes or venereal disease.


* Decidophobia[?] - Fear of making decisions.
* Defecaloesiophobia[?] - Fear of painful bowel movements.
* Deipnophobia[?] - Fear of dining or dinner conversations.
* Demonophobia[?], Daemonophobia[?] - Fear of demons.
* Demophobia[?], Enochlophobia[?], Ochlophobia[?] - Fear of crowds.
* Dendrophobia[?] - Fear of trees.
* Dentophobia[?] - Fear of dentists[?].
* Dermatophobia[?] - Fear of skin lesions.
* Dermatosiophobia[?], Dermatophobia[?], Dermatopathophobia[?] - Fear of skin disease.
* Dextrophobia[?] - Fear of objects at the right side of the body.
* Diabetophobia[?] - Fear of diabetes.
* Didaskaleinophobia[?], Scolionophobia[?] - Fear of going to school.
* Dikephobia[?] - Fear of justice.
* Dinophobia[?] - Fear of dizziness or whirlpools[?].
* Diplophobia[?] - Fear of double vision.
* Dipsophobia[?] - Fear of drinking.
* Dishabiliophobia[?] - Fear of undressing in front of someone.
* Domatophobia[?], Eicophobia[?], Oikophobia[?] - Fear of houses or being in a house.
* Doraphobia[?] - Fear of fur or the skins of animals.
* Doxophobia[?] - Fear of expressing opinions or receiving praise.
* Dutchphobia[?] - Fear of the Dutch.
* Dysmorphophobia[?] - Fear of deformity[?].
* Dystychiphobia[?] - Fear of accidents.


* Ecclesiophobia[?] - Fear of church.
* Ecophobia[?] - Fear of home.
* Eisoptrophobia[?] - Fear of mirrors or of seeing oneself in a mirror.
* Electrophobia[?] - Fear of electricity.
* Eleutherophobia[?] - Fear of freedom.
* Emetophobia[?] - Fear of vomiting.
* Encyclopediphobia[?] - Fear of being trained in a circle.
* Enosiophobia[?] , Enissophobia[?] - Fear of having committed an unpardonable sin or of criticism.
* Entomophobia[?], Insectophobia[?] - Fear of insects.
* Eosophobia[?] - Fear of dawn or daylight.
* Ephebiphobia[?] - Fear of teenagers.
* Epistaxiophobia[?] - Fear of nosebleeds.
* Epistemophobia[?], Gnosiophobia[?] - Fear of knowledge.
* Equinophobia[?], Hippophobia[?] - Fear of horses.
* Ereuthrophobia[?], Erythrophobia, Erytophobia[?] - Fear of blushing, red lights, or the colour red.
* Ergasiophobia[?] - Fear of work or functioning, or a surgeon's fear of operating.
* Ergophobia[?] - Fear of work.
* Erotophobia[?] - Fear of sexual love or sexual questions.
* Euphobia[?] - Fear of hearing good news.
* Eurotophobia[?] - Fear of female genitalia.


* Febriphobia[?], Fibriphobia[?], Fibriophobia[?], Pyrexiophobia[?] - Fear of fever.
* Francophobia[?], Gallophobia[?], Galiophobia[?] - Fear of France, French culture, etc.
* Frigophobia[?] - Fear of very cold objects.


* Gamophobia[?] - Fear of marriage.
* Geliophobia[?] - Fear of laughter.
* Geniophobia[?] - Fear of chins.
* Genuphobia[?] - Fear of knees.
* Gephyrophobia[?], Gephydrophobia[?], Gephysrophobia[?] - Fear of crossing bridges.
* Germanophobia[?], Teutophobia[?] - Fear of Germany, German culture, etc.
* Gerascophobia[?] - Fear of growing old.
* Gerontophobia[?] - Fear of old people or of growing old.
* Geumaphobia[?], Geumophobia[?] - Fear of taste.
* Glossophobia - Fear of speaking in public or of trying to speak.
* Graphophobia[?] - Fear of writing or handwriting.
* Gymnophobia[?], Nudophobia[?] - Fear of nudity.
* Gynephobia[?], Gynophobia[?] - Fear of women.


* Hadephobia[?], Stygiophobia[?], Stigiophobia[?] - Fear of hell.
* Hagiophobia[?] - Fear of saints or holy things.
* Hamartophobia[?], Peccatophobia[?] - Fear of sinning.
* Harpaxophobia[?] - Fear of being robbed.
* Hedonophobia[?] - Fear of feeling pleasure.
* Heliophobia[?] - Fear of the sun.
* Hellenologophobia[?] - Fear of Greek terms or complex scientific terminology.
* Helminthophobia[?] - Fear of being infested with worms.
* Hemophobia[?], Hemaphobia[?], Hematophobia[?] - Fear of blood.
* Heresyphobia[?], Hereiophobia[?] - Fear of challenges to official doctrine or of radical deviation.
* Herpetophobia[?] - Fear of reptiles.
* Heterophobia, Sexophobia[?] - Fear of the opposite sex.
* Hierophobia[?] - Fear of priests or sacred things.
* Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia[?], Sesquipedalophobia[?] - Fear of long words.
* Hobophobia[?] - Fear of bums or beggars.
* Hodophobia[?] Fear of road travel.
* Hormephobia[?] - Fear of shock.
* Homichlophobia[?], Nebulaphobia[?] - Fear of fog.
* Homilophobia[?] - Fear of sermons.
* Homophobia - Fear of sameness, monotony, homosexuality or of becoming homosexual.
* Hoplophobia[?] - Fear of firearms.
* Hydrargyophobia[?] - Fear of mercurial medicines.
* Hydrophobia - Fear of water or of rabies.
* Hydrophobophobia[?], Kynophobia[?] - Fear of rabies.
* Hyelophobia[?], Hyalophobia[?], Nelophobia[?] - Fear of glass.
* Hygrophobia[?] - Fear of liquids, dampness, or moisture.
* Hylephobia[?] - Fear of materialism or the fear of epilepsy.
* Hylophobia[?] - Fear of forests.
* Hypengyophobia[?], Hypegiaphobia[?] - Fear of responsibility.
* Hypnophobia[?] - Fear of sleep or of being hypnotized.
* Hypsiphobia[?] - Fear of height.


* Iatrophobia[?]- Fear of going to the doctor or of doctors.
* Ichthyophobia[?]- Fear of fish.
* Ideophobia[?]- Fear of ideas.
* Illyngophobia[?]- Fear of vertigo.
* Iophobia[?]- Fear of poison.
* Isopterophobia[?]- Fear of termites or other insects that eat wood.
* Ithyphallophobia[?]- Fear of seeing, thinking about or having an erect penis.


* Japanophobia[?]- Fear of the Japanese.
* Judeophobia[?]- Fear of Jews.


* Kenophobia[?] - Fear of voids or empty spaces.
* Kinetophobia[?], Kinesophobia[?] - Fear of movement or motion.
* Koinoniphobia[?] - Fear of rooms.
* Kolpophobia[?] - Fear of genitals, particularly female.
* Kopophobia[?] - Fear of fatigue.
* Kosmikophobia[?] - Fear of cosmic phenomena.
* Kyphophobia[?] - Fear of stooping.


* Lachanophobia[?] - Fear of vegetables.
* Laliophobia[?], Lalophobia - Fear of speaking.
* Leprophobia[?], Lepraphobia[?] - Fear of leprosy.
* Leukophobia[?] - Fear of the colour white.
* Levophobia[?] - Fear of things to the left side of the body.
* Ligyrophobia[?] - Fear of loud noises.
* Lilapsophobia[?] - Fear of tornadoes and hurricanes.
* Limnophobia[?] - Fear of lakes.

* Linonophobia[?] - Fear of string.
* Liticaphobia[?] - Fear of lawsuits.
* Lockiophobia[?], Maieusiophobia[?], Parturiphobia[?] - Fear of childbirth.
* Logophobia[?] - Fear of words.
* Luiphobia[?], Syphilophobia[?] - Fear of syphilis.
* Lutraphobia[?] - Fear of otters.
* Lyssophobia[?] - Fear of rabies or of becoming insane.


* Macrophobia[?] - Fear of long waits.
* Mageirocophobia[?] - Fear of cooking.
* Malaxophobia[?], Sarmassophobia[?] - Fear of love play.
* Mastigophobia[?], Poinephobia[?] - Fear of punishment.
* Mechanophobia[?] - Fear of machines.
* Medomalacuphobia[?] - Fear of losing an erection.
* Medorthophobia[?] - Fear of an erect penis.
* Megalophobia[?] - Fear of large objects.
* Melanophobia[?] - Fear of the colour black.
* Melophobia[?] - Fear or hatred of music.
* Meningitophobia[?] - Fear of brain disease.
* Menophobia - Fear of menstruation.
* Merinthophobia[?] - Fear of being bound or tied up.
* Metallophobia[?] - Fear of metal.
* Metathesiophobia[?] - Fear of changes.
* Meteorophobia[?] - Fear of meteors.
* Methyphobia[?], Potophobia[?] - Fear of alcohol.
* Metrophobia[?] - Fear or hatred of poetry.
* Microphobia, Mycrophobia[?] - Fear of small objects.
* Misophobia[?], Molysmophobia[?], Molysomophobia[?], Mysophobia[?], Verminophobia[?] - Fear of being contaminated with dirt or germs.
* Mnemophobia[?] - Fear of memories.
* Monopathophobia[?] - Fear of a specific disease.
* Motorphobia[?] - Fear of automobiles[?].
* Mottephobia[?] - Fear of moths.
* Musophobia[?], Murophobia[?], Suriphobia[?]- Fear of mice.
* Mycophobia[?] - Fear or aversion to mushrooms.
* Myrmecophobia[?] - Fear of ants.
* Mythophobia[?] - Fear of myths, stories or false statements.


* Necrophobia[?] - Fear of death or dead things.
* Neopharmaphobia[?] - Fear of new drugs.
* Nephophobia[?] - Fear of clouds.
* Noctiphobia[?] - Fear of the night.
* Nomatophobia[?] - Fear of names.
* Nosocomephobia[?] - Fear of hospitals.
* Nosophobia[?], Nosemaphobia[?] - Fear of becoming ill.
* Nostophobia[?] - Fear of returning home.
* Novercaphobia[?] - Fear of one's stepmother.
* Nucleomituphobia[?] - Fear of nuclear weapons.
* Numerophobia[?] - Fear of numbers.
* Nyctohylophobia[?] - Fear of dark, wooded areas.
* Nyctophobia[?] - Fear of the dark or of night.


* Obesophobia[?], Pocrescophobia[?] - Fear of gaining weight.
* Ochophobia[?] - Fear of vehicles.
* Octophobia[?] - Fear of the figure 8.
* Odontophobia[?] - Fear of teeth or dental surgery.
* Oenophobia[?] - Fear of wine.
* Olfactophobia[?], Osmophobia[?], Osphresiophobia[?] - Fear of smells.
* Ombrophobia[?], Pluviophobia[?] - Fear of rain or of being rained on.
* Ommetaphobia[?], Ommatophobia[?] - Fear of eyes.
* Oneirophobia[?] - Fear of dreams.
* Oneirogmophobia[?] - Fear of wet dreams.
* Onomatophobia - Fear of hearing certain words or names.
* Ophidiophobia[?] - Fear of snakes.
* Ophthalmophobia[?] - Fear of being stared at.
* Opiophobia[?] - A medical doctor's fear of prescribing pain medications for patients.
* Optophobia[?] - Fear of opening one's eyes.
* Ornithophobia[?] - Fear of birds.
* Orthophobia[?] - Fear of property.
* Ostraconophobia[?] - Fear of shellfish.
* Ouranophobia[?], Uranophobia[?] - Fear of heaven.


* Pagophobia[?] - Fear of ice or frost.
* Panthophobia[?] - Fear of suffering and disease.
* Panophobia[?], Pantophobia[?] - Fear of everything.
* Papaphobia[?] - Fear of the Pope.
* Papyrophobia[?] - Fear of paper.
* Paralipophobia[?] - Fear of neglecting duty or responsibility.
* Paraphobia[?] - Fear of sexual perversion.
* Parasitophobia[?] - Fear of parasites.
* Paraskavedekatriaphobia - Fear of Friday the 13th.
* Parthenophobia[?] - Fear of virgins or young girls.
* Pathophobia[?] - Fear of disease.
* Patroiophobia[?] - Fear of heredity.
* Pediculophobia[?], Phthiriophobia[?] - Fear of lice.
* Pediophobia[?] - Fear of dolls.
* Pedophobia[?] - Fear of children.
* Peladophobia[?] - Fear of bald people.
* Pellagrophobia[?] - Fear of pellagra[?].
* Peniaphobia[?] - Fear of poverty.
* Pentheraphobia[?] - Fear of one's mother-in-law.
* Phagophobia[?] - Fear of swallowing, eating or of being eaten.
* Phalacrophobia[?] - Fear of becoming bald.
* Phallophobia[?] - Fear of a penis, esp. erect.
* Pharmacophobia[?] - Fear of taking medicine.
* Phasmophobia[?], Spectrophobia[?] - Fear of ghosts.
* Phengophobia[?] - Fear of daylight or sunshine.
* Philemaphobia[?], Philematophobia[?] - Fear of kissing.
* Philophobia[?] - Fear of falling in love or being in love.
* Philosophobia[?] - Fear of philosophy.
* Phobophobia[?] - Fear of phobias.
* Photoaugliaphobia[?] - Fear of glaring lights.
* Photophobia[?] - Fear of light.
* Phonophobia[?] - Fear of noises, voices, one's own voice or of telephones.
* Phronemophobia[?] - Fear of thinking.
* Phthisiophobia[?], Tuberculophobia[?] - Fear of tuberculosis.
* Placophobia[?] - Fear of tombstones.
* Plutophobia[?] - Fear of wealth.
* Pneumatiphobia[?] - Fear of spirits.
* Pnigophobia[?], Pnigerophobia[?] - Fear of choking or being smothered.
* Pogonophobia - Fear of beards.
* Poliosophobia[?] - Fear of contracting poliomyelitis.
* Politicophobia[?] - Fear or abnormal dislike of politicians.
* Polyphobia[?] - Having many phobias.
* Ponophobia[?] - Fear of overworking or of pain.
* Porphyrophobia[?] - Fear of the colour purple.
* Potamophobia[?] - Fear of rivers or running water.
* Pharmacophobia[?] - Fear of drugs.
* Proctophobia[?], Rectophobia[?] - Fear of the rectum or of rectal diseases.
* Prosophobia[?] - Fear of progress.
* Psellismophobia[?] - Fear of stuttering.
* Psychophobia[?] - Fear of the mind.
* Pteronophobia[?] - Fear of being tickled by feathers.
* Pupaphobia[?] - Fear of puppets.



* Radiophobia[?] - Fear of radiation or X-rays.
* Ranidaphobia[?] - Fear of frogs.
* Rhabdophobia[?] - Fear of being severely punished or beaten with a rod, or of being severely criticized. Also fear of magic.
* Rhypophobia[?] - Fear of defecation.
* Rhytiphobia[?] - Fear of getting wrinkles[?].
* Rupophobia[?] - Fear of dirt.
* Russophobia[?] - Fear of Russians.


* Samhainophobia[?] - Fear of Halloween.
* Satanophobia[?] - Fear of Satan.
* Scabiophobia[?] - Fear of scabies.
* Scelerophibia[?] - Fear of bad men, burglars.
* Sciophobia[?], Sciaphobia[?] - Fear of shadows.
* Scoleciphobia[?] - Fear of worms.
* Scopophobia[?], Scoptophobia[?] - Fear of being seen or stared at.
* Scotomaphobia[?] - Fear of blindness in visual field.
* Scriptophobia[?] - Fear of writing in public.
* Selachophobia[?] - Fear of sharks.
* Selaphobia[?] - Fear of light flashes.
* Selenophobia[?] - Fear of the moon.
* Seplophobia[?] - Fear of decaying matter.
* Siderodromophobia[?] - Fear of trains, railroads or train travel.
* Siderophobia[?] - Fear of stars.
* Sinistrophobia[?] - Fear of things to the left of oneself.
* Sinophobia[?] - Fear of the Chinese, Chinese culture, etc.
* Soceraphobia[?] - Fear of parents-in-law.
* Social Phobia[?] - Fear of being evaluated negatively in social situations.
* Sociophobia - Fear of society or people in general.
* Somniphobia[?] - Fear of sleep.
* Sophophobia[?] - Fear of learning.
* Soteriophobia[?] - Fear of dependence on others.
* Spacephobia[?] - Fear of outer space.
* Spermatophobia or Spermophobia[?] - Fear of sperm.
* Spheksophobia[?] - Fear of wasps.
* Staurophobia[?] - Fear of crosses or crucifixes.
* Stenophobia[?] - Fear of narrow things or places.
* Symbolophobia[?] - Fear of symbolism.
* Symmetrophobia[?] - Fear of symmetry.
* Syngenesophobia[?] - Fear of relatives.


* Tachophobia[?] - Fear of speed.
* Taeniophobia[?], Teniophobia[?] - Fear of tapeworms.
* Taphephobia[?], Taphophobia[?] - Fear of being buried alive or of cemeteries.
* Tapinophobia[?] - Fear of being contagious.
* Taurophobia[?] - Fear of bulls.
* Technophobia - Fear of technology.
* Teleophobia[?] - Fear of definite plans or of religious ceremony.
* Telephonophobia[?] - Fear of telephones.
* Teratophobia[?] - Fear of bearing a deformed child, of monsters or of deformed people.
* Testophobia[?] - Fear of taking tests.
* Tetanophobia[?] - Fear of lockjaw, tetanus.
* Textophobia[?] - Fear of certain fabrics.
* Thalassophobia[?] - Fear of the sea.
* Thanatophobia[?], Thantophobia[?] - Fear of death or dying.
* Theatrophobia[?] - Fear of theatres.
* Theologicophobia[?] - Fear of theology.
* Theophobia[?] - Fear of gods or religion.
* Thermophobia[?] - Fear of heat.
* Tocophobia[?] - Fear of pregnancy or childbirth.
* Tomophobia[?] - Fear of surgical operations.
* Topophobia[?] - Fear of certain places or situations, such as stage fright[?].
* Toxiphobia[?], Toxophobia[?], Toxicophobia[?] - Fear of poison or of being accidentally poisoned.
* Traumatophobia[?] - Fear of injury.
* Tremophobia[?] - Fear of trembling.
* Trichinophobia[?] - Fear of trichinosis.
* Triskaidekaphobia - Fear of the number 13. Having a superstition.
* Tropophobia[?] - Fear of moving or making changes.
* Trypanophobia[?] - Fear of injections.
* Tyrannophobia[?] - Fear of tyrants.


* Urophobia[?] - Fear of urine or urinating.


* Vaccinophobia[?] - Fear of vaccination.
* Verbophobia[?] - Fear of words.
* Vestiphobia[?] - Fear of clothing.
* Virginitiphobia[?] - Fear of rape.
* Vitricophobia[?] - Fear of one's stepfather[?].


* Walloonphobia[?] - Fear of the Walloons.
* Wiccaphobia[?] - Fear of witches and witchcraft.


* Xanthophobia[?] - Fear of the colour yellow or the word yellow.
* Xenoglossophobia[?] - Fear of foreign languages.
* Xenophobia - Fear of strangers or foreigners.
* Xerophobia[?] - Fear of dryness.
* Xylophobia[?] - Fear of wooden objects or fear of forests.
* Xyrophobia[?] - Fear of razors.



* Zeusophobia[?] - Fear of God.
* Zoophobia[?] - Fear of animals.
DemonicSandwich wrote:See that? You see that how it is highlighted down here but it's not highlighted right there? Ah, I guess that's what I get for pirating it.
In Soviet Russia, DS touches you. Say it again and I'll do more than touch. ~DS -Oh baby
A cat was licking itself to the sound of potato chips.
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Re: Phobias

Post by Eaton »

Cool. :)
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Re: Phobias

Post by Gary »

Thanks!, I've been looking for a list.
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Re: Phobias

Post by Click16 »

* Judeophobia[?]- Fear of Jews. (penguins favorite)
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Re: Phobias

Post by xxpenguinxx »

Click16 wrote:* Judeophobia[?]- Fear of Jews. (penguins favorite)
Na, try this: Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia[?], Sesquipedalophobia[?] - Fear of long words.

or: Barophobia[?] - Fear of gravity.

or: Arachibutyrophobia[?] - Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth.
DemonicSandwich wrote:See that? You see that how it is highlighted down here but it's not highlighted right there? Ah, I guess that's what I get for pirating it.
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Re: Phobias

Post by Dragonfire »

xxpenguinxx wrote:Barophobia[?] - Fear of gravity.
That would be a 24/7 phobia...
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Re: Phobias

Post by Gary »

And the only way to fix it is to send you into space, then after you see it sucks more living in 0-G...

That and the fix for everything, a gun.
yep that just about fixes anything,
the dog next door pissing you off? shoot it.
Owner of the dog yelling at you for shooting the dog, shoot him.
Cops trying to take you in for kill the owner of the dog? shoot them.
After seeing that you can't win and don't want to stay in jail for the rest of your life, shoot your self.

see, guns fix everything.
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Re: Phobias

Post by OwnZ joO »

Wow, I'm going to assume you were joking, but still that's not funny with all the type of stuff that goes on these days. Like the shooting in my home town that took place at the mall. It's just not funny to joke about that.
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Re: Phobias

Post by Gary »

Well, I find it funny, so it stays.
Shooting does happen a lot though, but banning guns won't fix crap like everyone thinks...

Still, I find this list funny.
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Re: Phobias

Post by Tural »

Never mind this post.
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Re: Phobias

Post by Remnant Samurai »

I never knew that there were that many phobias.
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Re: Phobias

Post by Click16 »

Aerophobia (REDEFINED) Fear of the Windows Aero theme for Windows Vista.


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Re: Phobias

Post by Gary »

RaZoR73 wrote:I never knew that there were that many phobias.
I know, I new there was a lot, but not this much, they got one for everything...

:hmm: Ideophobia[?]- Fear of ideas.
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