Working with Click16 he managed to figure this part out. You need to modify your plugins to get permutations to work. Well, you don't need to, but for your sanity it's highly recommended. If you only have a single model variation, like a weapon, than you can safely ignore these values. This isn't a full tutorial, just an overview of what is needed. When I get a grip on the damage sections I'll post a proper tutorial.
Open the hlmt.ent with your favorite text editor. Go to this line:
Code: Select all
<struct name="Variants" offset="80" size="56" maxelements="64" label="Name" visible="True">
Within that structure, find this entry. It should be the second one (line 32) in the latest XZodia plugins:
Code: Select all
<unused size="16" name="_Unnamed0" offset="4" visible="True" />
Replace it with this:
Code: Select all
<byte name="Model Variant 0" offset="4" visible="True" />
<byte name="Model Variant 1" offset="5" visible="True" />
<byte name="Model Variant 2" offset="6" visible="True" />
<byte name="Model Variant 3" offset="7" visible="True" />
<byte name="Model Variant 4" offset="8" visible="True" />
<byte name="Model Variant 5" offset="9" visible="True" />
<byte name="Model Variant 6" offset="10" visible="True" />
<byte name="Model Variant 7" offset="11" visible="True" />
<byte name="Model Variant 8" offset="12" visible="True" />
<byte name="Model Variant 9" offset="13" visible="True" />
<byte name="Model Variant 10" offset="14" visible="True" />
<byte name="Model Variant 11" offset="15" visible="True" />
<byte name="Model Variant 12" offset="16" visible="True" />
<byte name="Model Variant 13" offset="17" visible="True" />
<byte name="Model Variant 14" offset="18" visible="True" />
<byte name="Model Variant 15" offset="19" visible="True" />
For each region under variants, you need to point it towards a model variation. It's best to have the same number of regions as model variations and to keep the names in the same order. Lets say you have 2 model variation, "hull" [0] and "wheels" [1]. Create two regions under Variants called "hull" [0] and "wheels" [1]. Under Variants, set "Model Variant 0" to "0", and Model Variant 1 to "1". Now your model should properly spawn with working regions and damage sections, instead of being random.
If you want random permutations, I recommend using permutations and states under variants, that way the damage sections work. There's a value called "probability." 0 = 0% chance of spawning with that state, 0.5 = 50%, 1 = 100%, etc.