I proudly present to you a map that is 2 months in the making with over 60 new models, 14 new weapons, and 3 completely new vehicles. The user will have a right to a boat and WILL be able to swim, but watch out for the kraken! The castle, that I have shown very little of, will be one base. The pirate ship will be the other base. Cannons will be strategically placed throughout the map, as well as the 15 new weapons. This thread is a development thread that is used to keep me interested and dedicated. This mod should be released sometime soon, but I just wanted to show you all what my final project is. Enjoy! Feel free to ask any questions you may have.

There is much map development to continue, and it will be accomplished. Right now I am focusing on getting collision for everything and that is a slow and steady process.

Update as of July 9th. Phmo and Collision is nearly perfect. It took me around 20 hours to get it done the way I liked it.

Look for the release within the next week.