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Cold Winder first semi-public beta release!

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 12:49 am
by xXF3RcHoXx
Hello, this is the lastest working build of my WIP, the, like all mods, it have some bugs, so please don't flame! i'll try to fix them, i'm working on it for about 3 months (and stills counting), so these are the features at this date:

AI, zones, triggers, orders index and everything that involves AI
BSP Conversion [deltaapproach_bsp_00]
Weapon Mods
BSP Mods
Majority of Scenery Removed
New Bipeds
Almost every weapon is modded
Weather Added
Fog Added
Lighting Mods
String Edits (at the moment only in spanish)


Yellow: Squad of 5 spartans
Green: Squad of 5 Elites
Orange: Squad of 3 Heretic Elites and 2 Elites Honor Guards (i forgot to swap the hlmt)

Location of Squads:

Yellow: Yard 01 (near the temple at left side)
Green: Yard 02 (near the temple at right side)
Orange: Ledge 01 (near the start of the level)

Bugs: (at this build, i'll try to fix them before 1.0)

* H1 pistol model has not muzzle flash and sound

+ At the start of the level, there are a freezing spot, i added barriers, but isn't 100% protected, make sure you kill all AI units near of there.

* For some reason, the fog isn't working outside of the playable area of the map, if you enable dev cam and fly up, the fog will disappear and you'll see a big-black sky.

* Plasma Rifle's firing light is pink (for odd reason, i'm pretty sure that i changed it to green >_<)

* The Snow Weather, it appears or disappears on interiors, depending the angle you are seeing.

* (This is not a bug) After a few rounds of a huge-lagless fight, the map can overload because a lot of dead bodies are on the map and maybe you'll have lag until extra bodies disappear.


-Oh, i forgot to download the newest pics from my xbox, so please see the pictures at Discussion forum-


SPPF: - Uploading - (140 mb)
Serenity: -fixing filename- (71 mb)

*The patched map file MUST be with this size:
149.619.200 bytes

-Apply to a CLEAN

Re: Cold Winder first semi-public beta release!

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 1:17 am
by Eaton
About time for a release! :D I'll try it next weekend.

Re: Cold Winder first semi-public beta release!

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 1:26 am
by Aumaan Anubis

Releasing of 'betas' of maps is not the best idea. For instance, if this is version, why is there a point in taking the time to download and try out the Final? People, in general are only going to download one, so you should make it your final and your best.

Re: Cold Winder first semi-public beta release!

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 3:36 am
by xXF3RcHoXx
i just wanna the people, specially my friends like Eaton, can test the map for any suggestions until i get the 1.0 and look for bugs, i'm working on and tomorrow i'll get the 0.99.2, this is the product of 3 months of heavy work :D, maybe Tuesday the final version will be available :D, maybe...

Re: Cold Winder first semi-public beta release!

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 4:34 am
by JacksonCougar
Okay, you misnamed your file, it should have .serenity on the end...

After playing it for awhile I noticed some things:
a) your map default weapon is fucked up.
b) theres some weird glitches.

For example there where these weird block things at the bridge that would disapeer at different angles...
Also the switch for rising and lowering the bridge has a corrupted bitmap.

All in all I thought it was alright, but your atmosphere needs bit of work: like your skin, theres really nothing to it is there :\
The ground is constantly the exact same, and the structures have parts that do not match in colour.

I liked your SMG and BR skins, but I still think you need to add more detail into it, having that camo texture stretched everywhere just ruined it for me :\

I also ran into some random barriers about the map that where not there in the original, and on my first play it froze a while into the game.

I think you need to put some more effort into a couple things.

Your skin: you need to add some things to this map, in the beginning its just a shooting gallery :\
I would suggest you import some different crates from other maps and skin them to fit, maybe add some explosive crates as well.
The ground shader needs works :\ Containment's shader was never very good... I suggest you add some kind of paths and get a shader that uses more than one blend bitmap... Try to work with the ground bitmap the blend the building and the rocks with the snow...

Sky: not sure why your sky isn't working but you really ought to get a new sky...

Bipeds: they all look the same! skin them suckers up!

Plants: I would say completely get rid of those bush plants you have and bring in some leafless trees instead, some nice trees would really help this map out.

Weapon skins: I hate to say it but theres not enough detail to your skins, your carbine hit me in particular: theres not any detail at all on that thing! Add some more detail to your skins :\

All in all from what I see this has promise but needs a few things added to it for it to really interest me.

Re: Cold Winder first semi-public beta release!

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 3:43 pm
by xXF3RcHoXx
JacksonCougar wrote:Okay, you misnamed your file, it should have .serenity on the end...

After playing it for awhile I noticed some things:
a) your map default weapon is fucked up.
b) theres some weird glitches.

For example there where these weird block things at the bridge that would disapeer at different angles...
Also the switch for rising and lowering the bridge has a corrupted bitmap.

All in all I thought it was alright, but your atmosphere needs bit of work: like your skin, theres really nothing to it is there :\
The ground is constantly the exact same, and the structures have parts that do not match in colour.

I liked your SMG and BR skins, but I still think you need to add more detail into it, having that camo texture stretched everywhere just ruined it for me :\

I also ran into some random barriers about the map that where not there in the original, and on my first play it froze a while into the game.

I think you need to put some more effort into a couple things.

Your skin: you need to add some things to this map, in the beginning its just a shooting gallery :\
I would suggest you import some different crates from other maps and skin them to fit, maybe add some explosive crates as well.
The ground shader needs works :\ Containment's shader was never very good... I suggest you add some kind of paths and get a shader that uses more than one blend bitmap... Try to work with the ground bitmap the blend the building and the rocks with the snow...

Sky: not sure why your sky isn't working but you really ought to get a new sky...

Bipeds: they all look the same! skin them suckers up!

Plants: I would say completely get rid of those bush plants you have and bring in some leafless trees instead, some nice trees would really help this map out.

Weapon skins: I hate to say it but theres not enough detail to your skins, your carbine hit me in particular: theres not any detail at all on that thing! Add some more detail to your skins :\

All in all from what I see this has promise but needs a few things added to it for it to really interest me.
Oh, the original file was called "cold_winder_apply_to_gemini.serenity, filefront cutted the filename :(

Yea, i was trying to make a lasersighted Battle rifle, but the FP model doesn't work, and it really doesn't work and yea is fucked up, i'll change the default weapon

Huh? the only really weird glitches are the freezing spot near the ODST pod at the start of the level, and the other glitch is with the heretic biped, they have not animations to hold a BR, SMG and Beam Rifle, they look messed up

I added barriers for keep players and AI out of the freezing spot, h2core messed up somethings, like the freezing spot, the sky, ect, and i can't fix the sky, that is why i cover it up with fog. if you don't believe me, open my map in entity and navigate to the [sky] tag, there are more than 1 sky.

I don't know anything about shaders, if you explain me (and if you want) make a tutorial, i'll give to you eternal thanks.

Ok, i'll null bush plants shaders, and on the structure are a few things that doesn't match with the rest, if i change the lightmap, it never will be different and i can't change ANYTHING into that things.

Can't skin the temple because i-dont-know, i properly converted the bitmap to DXT1 with no alpha channels and it stills!, look at bitmap tag in dothalo or entity and look for "stone_walls" and "stone_floors", they have a different bitmap and it stills with the stone, and if you look carefully in the stone floors and walls, they have the details of the new bitmap.

I never mind that on my map are those bad things, it will took more time.

anyways, thanks