Fellow members of Remnantmods, come one, come all! The current administration has decided to choose new sizes for avatars, and you're invited to have a say in what is chosen!
The current administration(Jackson), has decided to change the sizes of avatars for the future. The current maximum avatar size of 138px by 138px. That is to be changed; bigger or smaller, we're not sure, yet, but we plan to have them implemented in a few weeks at the most.
So starting today, we're leaning towards the community, you, to decide what the new sizes will be.
Jackson has graciously offered some models:

So, feel free to vote for A, B, or C, and to provide feedback.
Votes for avatars greater than 140px on each side will be ignored.
In fact, I'll probably delete your current avatar if you do.
However, do feel free to submit your own suggestion for a size, and if it garners significant support, it may be implemented as a candidate.