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Fixing, Positioning, and Injecting Weapon Models

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 9:07 am
by Dragonfire
This tutorial does NOT include how to UV map a model.

Plz save a backup of your OBJ model before doing this tutorial in case something oes wrong.

Ok, so one of these hasnt been done/rewritten in quite some time, so i thought i would give it a shot..

Special thanks to DemonicSandwich and Darkshallfall for helping me with this stuff.

What do i need?

Misfit Model 3D
Entity 1.4

Ok, now what you need is a custom model and the extracted model of the weapon you are replacing. For this i will be using my friend TT's misslepod model and the brute shot from halo 2.

Step 1: Open Coagulation in Entity 1.4

Step 2: Extract brute_shot models

Go to the [mode] tag and navigate to objects\weapons\support_low\brute_shot\brute_shot and to go the blue/white plus sign, and Extract Meshes -> To .OBJ. Select a folder and hit OK. Wait til the "Done" box comes up. Now we also need the FP model so go to the [mode] tage and go to objects\weapons\support_low\brute_shot\fp_brute_shot\fp_brute_shot and extracts the models from/for it like we did for the brute_shot models. Leave Entity open.

Step 3: Making the model 1 group in Misfit Model 3D

Sometimes Halo 2 will not take weapons that have too many groups or unwelded vertices. So in this step we are going to take the model and make it one group.

-Go to Tools -> Select faces (or hit "F")
-Drag the box around your model in any of the viewports.
-Now go to Groups -> Edit Groups (or hit Ctrl+G)
-Click the drop-down menu and select one of the groups (except "no group")
-Move the Max Angle slider as close to 0 as possible.
-Click Add to Group
-Click OK
-Close Misfit

Step 4: Welding the vertices in Misfit model 3D

Before we start this lets reopen our custom model and check and make sure we now have one group, to do this hit Ctrl+G, and make sure theres only one group in the drop-down menu (besides "no group"), if there is more than one, repeat step 3.

Ok, now to weld our vertices...

-Go to Tools -> Select Faces again or hit "F"
-Drag the box around you model
-Go to Primitives -> Weld Vertices (this may take a little time)
-Close Misfit

Step 5: Positioning our custom model

Ok, now we have made one group and welded our vertices, now for the interesting part, positioning our model.

-Open your custom model in Misfit Model 3D
-go to File -> Merge...
-Navigate to the folder where you saved the brute shot models.
-Open brute_shot[2].obj

Now we need to select our model so we can move/rotate it into place...

-Hit Ctrl+G to bring up Groups
-Select the group that your custom model is in
-Click Select Faces in Group
-Hit OK

Now move/rotate your model into place. Once done...

-Go to Primitives -> Hide -> Hide Selected

Now we need to get rid of the brute shot...

-Go to Tools -> Select faces or hit "F"
-Drag the box around the brute shot and hit Delete

Now we need to show our model...

-Go to Primitives -> Hide -> Unhide All

Ok, we are done here...

-Close Misfit

Don't worry about the FP model, we can actually use this one for 3P and FP :D

Step 6: Replacing the brute shot files with your model files

Now we need to get our files in the right order and such, make a folder for your custom models files to be in. Also make a folder for the FP model files, too. Copy your model file into both the FP and 3P folders you created.

Ok, now go to the folder where you extracted the brute shot 3P models to and copy the conents of that folder which should be...

Textures (folder)

Now copy those files into the 3P folder you created. Now we need to replace those brute_shot files so now make 2 copies of your model, so you now have 3 files. Delete the 3 brute_shot.obj files and rename you 3 model files to those 3 names.

Ok, now we need to do the same thing for the FP model files. Its the same basic concept, just you only have one brute_shot OBJ file to replace.

Step 7: Injecting the model

Ok, time for the injecting part. You should still have Coagulation opened with Entity

-Go to the [mode] tag
-Select objects\weapons\support_low\brute_shot\brute_shot

We are now going to Inject Meshes instead of Extract, so do so using the same step to extract the model, only now Inject Meshes -> Inject .OBJ. Select the folder that has your 3P models and click OK. Once the tag box comes up, you can either hit OK or rename it to what you wish. REMINDER: Last two names must be the same, ex. misslepod\misslepod or misslepod\fp_misslepod\fp_misslepod.

Once the "Done" box shows, hit Done.

Now we need to inject our FP models, so now..

-Go to [mode] tag
-Select objects\weapons\support_low\brute_shot\fp_brute_shot\fp_brute_shot

Now inject the models using the same way we just did.

Ok, now hit Sign, Click OK, and close Entity.

Step 8: Making our model visible in game

Ok, now we need to be able to see out model in the game, so...

-Open up Dothalo
-Open Coagulation

We need to edit out HLMT to show the model...

-Go to [hlmt] tag
-Select objects\weapons\support_low\brute_shot\brute_shot
-Go to the Dependencies/LoneIDs/Reflexives editor
-Select mode - objects\weapons\support_low\brute_shot\brute_shot
-Swap it for your 3P custom model
-Click Save Changes

Now we need to finish this by editing our [weap] tag so it uses the FP model we made...

-Go to [weap] tag
-Select objects\weapons\support_low\brute_shot\brute_shot
-Select mode - objects\weapons\support_low\brute_shot\fp_brute_shot\fp_brute_shot
-Swap for the FP model of your custom model
-Do this for BOTH the modes (there are usually two)
-Click Save Changes
-Close map

We are done! Holy Crap that was along tut!

Now resign, ftp, and enjoy! :D

Cheers! :D

Re: Fixing, Positioning, and Injecting Weapon Models

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 9:53 am
by [TT]
damn i wish i had more models Faak

Re: Fixing, Positioning, and Injecting Weapon Models

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 12:04 pm
by DemonicSandwich
All of Step 8 can be done without using DotHalo. In fact you don't even need to close Entity between steps 7 and 8.

Re: Fixing, Positioning, and Injecting Weapon Models

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 12:51 pm
by Dragonfire
Yeah, but for me i find it easier to use dothalo than entity ;)

Re: Fixing, Positioning, and Injecting Weapon Models

Posted: Fri May 09, 2008 1:19 pm
by DarkShallFall
What, no credit. >_>

Re: Fixing, Positioning, and Injecting Weapon Models

Posted: Fri May 09, 2008 8:51 pm
by DemonicSandwich
Darkshallfall wrote:What, no credit. >_>
Dragonfire wrote:Special thanks to DemonicSandwich and Darkshallfall for helping me with this stuff.

Re: Fixing, Positioning, and Injecting Weapon Models

Posted: Fri May 09, 2008 9:12 pm
by Dragonfire
Darkshallfall wrote:What, no credit. >_>
Ya know, it would help if u actually read the topic post ;)

Re: Fixing, Positioning, and Injecting Weapon Models

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 11:02 pm
by Aumaan Anubis
Moved to Tutorials.