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Programing an App for Halo 2

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 1:20 am
by Grimdoomer
1)Getting Started

Depending on how good of a programer, and in what language, can play a huge role in weather you use Visual Basic (VB) or Visual C# (C#). If you have never done any kind of programing befor, I would suggest starting with VB. If you have done programing befor but never done C# I would still recomend VB, but if you have done C# then you should stick with that. Once you have decided weather your are going to use VB or C# please continue to the next step.

2)Gathering Utilities

Visual Basic, Visual C# - Download Page

Once you have downloaded and installed VB or C# please proced to the Planning section


Here is where your Halo 2 App Comes to life. Firts we need to have a purpose for this app, most of you have allready thought of that. Please for the sake of god, DO NOT make a map resigner, pretty much every app has a built in one and there are many more scattered around. Secound you must think about how your app will look and added features. If your app will be used a lot like Entity, you might not want a white backround. If your up at 3 in the morning dead tired it will hurt your eyes so much and its bad for you. Here is a sample of a UI I designed:

As you can see its very dark, but light enough that you can read the text fine. Next Button layout, you defenity don want a million buttons or a million sidebars with dropdown boxes. I would suggest if you are making a lot of features, to use a hide/unhide system like Entity has with RAW data. This will save space and keep everything organized. Also send some samples of running beta's to your friends, I sent the beta of my app to about 10 people to get there opion. They liked it so I kept it. But dont change somehting just because one person doesent like it, if you like it then keep it. Now if your app will take longer then a day to make, dont tell people about it. Prometheus is an example, it has been in development for I think 2 years now, and still no public release other than a beta. It will defently be a kickass programe, but some people are very impatient and get angry, these people are know as Tarts. They have no idea what it takes to make good apps and why it takes so long so they bitch because they dont understand why it takes a while.


Lets start with simple button features. On your main form, you dont want a million small things taking up space. Instead make the smaller things there own form, or put them all in one form depending on what they are/do. Here is some simple code that displays a new form when button1 is clicked:

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Private Sub btnForm2_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnForm2.Click
    End Sub
btnForm2 is the name of my button and it is a click procedure. Form2 is the name of my other form .show() tells the form to appear i can make another button and use Form2.Hide() and my form will go away.

You might want to put exstensions infront of the name of your form objects. If I have a textbox for the name of the map I would name it btnMapName for button Map Name. This helps you to not get confused with other form objects.

TabControls - Tab Controls are good if you are limeted to space and need to display information on mutiple things. But one of the bad things is there disabled state. It will disable everything on that tab, wich looks horible. Instead use TabControl1.Hide() untile needed, it will hide the tab so you cant see it, then when needed use TabControl1.Show().


Variables - A variable is a chunk of memery that contins information such as the name of something or numbers. There are a cuple diffrent ways to declear variables and many diffrent types of variables.

Constants - A Constant is a variable that has a set value and will never change. You must declear a Constant befor any subs in your class:

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Public Class Form2

    Const MyAge As Integer = 14

End Class

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class myclass1
        const int myinteger = 14;
Private Variables - A Private Variable is a variable that can only be acsessed in the sub or class it is decleared in:

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Public Class Form2

    Dim MyAge As Integer

End Class

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class myclass1
        private int myinteger;
Public Variables - A Public Variable is a Variable that can be acsessed or changed any where in you programe:

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Public Class Form2

    Public MyAge As Integer

End Class

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class myclass1
        public int myinteger;
You can also give your public variable a staring value, wich can be changed later:

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Public Class Form2

    Public MyAge As Integer = 14

End Class

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class myclass1
        public int myinteger = 14;
Naming Variables - It is a good practice to put an exstension in front of your variable depending on what type the variable is:

Variable Types

Decimal - dec - Decimal
Short - srt - 16 bit integers
Long - lng - 64 bit integers
Integer - int - 32 bit integers
String - str - more than one letter
Char - chr - one letter
Byte - byt - byte
Boolean - bln - True or False

There are more but there not that important.

Binary Reading and Writing - Binary Readers/Writes are what reads and write info to and from the halo 2 map or any other file. Once you understand when to use a Binary Reader/Write and XML, it will help you make process much easer. To open a Binary Reader you need one thing, the location of the file you are opening. This is done like so:

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Dim MapLocation As String

Dim BR As New BinaryReader(New FileStream(MapLocation, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read))

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string MapLocation

BinaryReader BR = new BinaryReader(new FileStream(MapLocation, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read));
What this does is it creates a new BinaryReader and a FileStream Based on you Location of the file you are opening. You can then tell the BinaryReader (BR) to go to a certain position by useing:

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BR.BaseStream.Position = 2

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BR.BaseStream.Position = 2;
That tells our BinaryReader to go to offset 2, you can then tell it to do things like read bytes, numbers, and letters depending on what you are reading. Below is a class for a binary reader that goes to offset 408 and reads the name of a Halo 2 Map:

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Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1

    Private Sub btnForm2_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnForm2.Click
        Dim MapLocation As String
        Dim MapName As String
        Dim BR As New BinaryReader(New FileStream(MapLocation, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read))
        BR.BaseStream.Position = 408
        MapName = BR.ReadChars(20)

    End Sub
End Class

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using System.IO;

public void Read()
      string MapLocation;
      string MapName;

      BinaryReader BR = new BinaryReader(new FileStream(MapLocation, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read));

      BR.BaseStream.Poistion = 408;
      MapName = BR.ReadChars(20);

Note you must have Imports System.IO or your binary reader will not work. This class opens BinaryReader and tells it to open and read the file at MapLocation.

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Dim BR As New BinaryReader(New FileStream(MapLocation, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read))
Then to goto offset 408 and read 20 characters, I will explain why I choose to read Characters insteam of a string in a second.

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BR.BaseStream.Position = 408
        MapName = BR.ReadChars(20)
Microsoft messed up the BR.ReadString() Function so it will cut off the first letter of what ever your trying to read. So what you must do is find a Halo 2 Map with the longest name or what ever your trying to read, and tell your BinaryReader to read that maney characters.

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MapName = BR.ReadChars(20)
If you tell your Binary Reader to read say 100 characters then you could read other information like you could get coagulation %8 wich you dont want.

BinaryWriters - BinaryWriters are almost the same as Binary Readers except to decleare a new BinaryWriter you would use FileAcsess.Write, FileShare.Write instead of .Read. When writing information you would want to use this:

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That tells the BinaryWriter to write the variable MapName.

Classes - A Class is a blank code page that you can use to do what ever you want. Classes will become your best friend soon.

Message Boxes

A Message box is a little window that pops up and displays anything you want it to. Here is how you would display a message box when a button is pressed:

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Private Sub btnForm2_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnForm2.Click
    End Sub

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 public void Button1_click()
And it would look like:

You can also customize you message box to change the headline, make it an information box or criticle error box:

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Private Sub btnForm2_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnForm2.Click
        MsgBox("Hi", MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "Error")
    End Sub

The formula for message boxes is

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msgbox("Headline Text", MessageBoxStyle, "Form Text")

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MessageBox.Show("Headline Text", MessageBox Style, "Form Text");
If, Then, Else, ElseIf

The If, Then statment does exactly what you would guess. Here is an example:

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Dim TagSelected As Boolean
        If TagSelected = False Then
            MsgBox("Select a Tag first!", MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "Error")
        End If

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    bool TagSelected; 
    if (TagSelected == false) { 
        Interaction.MsgBox("Select a Tag first!", MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "Error"); 
This says if TagSelected is false then display an error. You can use the
ElseIf Command to start another If, Then statement:

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Dim TagSelected As Boolean = False
        If TagSelected = False Then
            MsgBox("Select a Tag first!", MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "Error")
        ElseIf TagSelected = True Then
        End If

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    bool TagSelected = false; 
    if (TagSelected == false) { 
        Interaction.MsgBox("Select a Tag first!", MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "Error"); 
    else if (TagSelected == true) { 
The Else command is for a seperate function for anything else:

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Dim Number As Integer
        If Number = 1 Then
            MsgBox("Not Number 1")
        End If

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    int Number; 
    if (Number == 1) { 
    else { 
        Interaction.MsgBox("Not Number 1"); 
Case Select

The Case Select statment is for detriming the value of something that could have many values:

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Dim Number As Integer
        Select Case Number
            Case Is = 0
            Case Is = 1
            Case Is = 2
            Case Is = 3
            Case Is = 4
            Case Is = 5
        End Select

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    int Number; 
    switch (Number) { 
        case 0: 
        case 1: 
        case 2: 
        case 3: 
        case 4: 
        case 5: 
This basicly says if number is 0 then display in a messagebox 0, so on and so on.

5)Coding For Exceptions

Now if you have ever used Entity you will notice it is fairly easy to get an exception. This can easy be bypassed by coding errors for the exception. Lets say you have a map open, you dont have any tags selected and you hit the dependancy's button. Normally a null refrence exception would be thrown, but you could easly change this by coding an error for it. Now most errors would be displayed in a message box. Lets say I have a boolean(True or False) for TagSelected, and if its null and I click the dependacy's button and TagSelected is false, a null refrence exception would be thrown. Heres an example on how to fix this.

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Private Sub btnForm2_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnForm2.Click
        Dim TagSelected As Boolean
        If TagSelected = False Then
            MsgBox("Select a Tag first!", MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "Error")
        ElseIf TagSelected = True Then
        End If
    End Sub

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private void btnForm2_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) 
    bool TagSelected; 
    if (TagSelected == false) { 
        Interaction.MsgBox("Select a Tag first!", MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "Error"); 
    else if (TagSelected == true) { 
This says if TagSelected is false then display a message box, if its true then load the dependancys. I have avoided my programe throwing an exception. Here is what the message box looks like:

5)Coding For Halo 2

Now that you have learned what coding is all about, you are ready to start coding for halo 2.

Map Structure
Thanks to -DeToX- for this.

Halo 2 Map Structure by -DeToX-

Index - Element Name - Type
0 Map Header Table
1 Sound Raw Raw
2 Model Raw 1&2 Raw
3 BSP 1 Raw 1
4 BSP 2 Raw 2
5 LightMap Raw
6 BSP 3 Raw 3
7 BSP 4 Raw 4
8 Decorator Raw
9 Weather Raw
10 Particle Model Raw
11 Collision Raw
12 Animation Raw
13 BSP Meta
14 LightMap Meta
15 StringID128 Table
16 StringID Index Table
17 StringID Table Table
18 FileTabel Table
19 FileIndex Table
20 Unicode Index Table
21 ugh! (crazy) Raw
22 Unicode Table
23 Bitmap Raw
24 Index Header Table
25 Metas Meta
26 Padding Padding

sorry abount the spacing cant fix it.


The Header is the very beginning of the file. For Halo 2 the Header is 1024 byts if I remember correctly. In the Header for Halo 2 you will find Map name, Map scenario, Map build, and a lot of info for the tags and string ID's. Now that you know your basics in coding, im going to be very brief about simple stuff, but I will explain what it does.

First create a new project in VB or VC#. Now im going to use a fairly poor meathod as the better meathod takes to long to go through. Add a new class to your project called Halo 2 Map. It should look like this:

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Imports System.IO
Public Class EntReader

End Class

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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace Visual_Marker_Placement_Tool.Halo_2
    class ModelMeta
Ignore the names that I have. Now we are going to need a BinaryReader so lets add the Imports System.IO for VB an using System.IO; for C#. Now in our Halo 2 Map class lets add two structures. The first will be called Halo_2_Map, the second H2Tag. Now you structure names may be underlined in blue, this is because you must have a variable or event in a structure. Dont worry we will get to that in a second. Your class should look like this:

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Imports System.IO
Public Class Halo_2_Map

    Public Structure Halo_2_Map

    End Structure
    Public Structure H2Tag

    End Structure

End Class

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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;

namespace Programing_For_Halo_2
    class Halo_2_Map
        public struct Halo_2_Map

        public struct H2Tag

Now lets add some variables, start with the H2Tag structure. Where going to add two strings, TagClass and TagPath. Then add 3 longs MetaOffset, MetaSize, and TagID. Now lets add some variables to our Halo_2_map class. Because there are a lot and I mean a lot I will just list the ones we need right now.

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'Header Info
        Public MapLocation As String
        Public MapName As String
        Public MapScenario As String
        Public MapBuild As String
        Public IndexOffset As Long
        Public IndexSize As Long
        Public MetaStart As Long
        Public MetaSize As Long
        Public FileTableCount As Long
        Public FileTableOffset As Long
        Public FileTableSize As Long
        Public FileTableIndexOffset As Long
        Public CrazyOffset As Long
        Public CrazySize As Long
        Public firstStringNamesOffset As Long
        Public scriptReferenceCount As Long
        Public scriptReferenceSize As Long
        Public scriptIndexOffset As Long
        Public secondStringNamesOffset As Long

//Header info
            public string MapLocation;
            public string MapName;
            public string MapScenario;
            public string MapBuild;
            public long IndexOffset;
            public long IndexSize;
            public long MetaStart;
            public long MetaSize;
            public long FileTableCount;
            public long FileTableOffset;
            public long FileTableSize;
            public long FileTableIndexOffset;
            public long CrazyOffset;
            public long CrazySize;
            public long firstStringNamesOffset;
            public long scriptReferenceCount;
            public long scriptReferenceSize;
            public long scriptIndexOffset;
            public long secondStringNamesOffset;
This is enough to get started with the Header. Now create a new sub called ReadHeader and declear a new BinaryReader. Your class should now look like this:

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Imports System.IO
Public Class Halo_2_Map

    Public Structure Halo_2_Map

        'Header Info
        Public MapLocation As String
        Public MapName As String
        Public MapScenario As String
        Public MapBuild As String
        Public IndexOffset As Long
        Public IndexSize As Long
        Public MetaStart As Long
        Public MetaSize As Long
        Public FileTableCount As Long
        Public FileTableOffset As Long
        Public FileTableSize As Long
        Public FileTableIndexOffset As Long
        Public CrazyOffset As Long
        Public CrazySize As Long
        Public firstStringNamesOffset As Long
        Public scriptReferenceCount As Long
        Public scriptReferenceSize As Long
        Public scriptIndexOffset As Long
        Public secondStringNamesOffset As Long

        Public Sub ReadHeader()

            Dim BR As New BinaryReader(New FileStream(MapLocation, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read))
        End Sub

    End Structure
    Public Structure H2Tag

        Public TagPath As String
        Public TagClass As String
        Public TagID As Long
        Public MetaOffset As Long
        Public MetaSize As Long
    End Structure

End Class


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;

namespace Programing_For_Halo_2
    class Halo_2_Map
        public struct Halo2Map
            //Header info
            public string MapLocation;
            public string MapName;
            public string MapScenario;
            public string MapBuild;
            public long IndexOffset;
            public long IndexSize;
            public long MetaStart;
            public long MetaSize;
            public long FileTableCount;
            public long FileTableOffset;
            public long FileTableSize;
            public long FileTableIndexOffset;
            public long CrazyOffset;
            public long CrazySize;
            public long firstStringNamesOffset;
            public long scriptReferenceCount;
            public long scriptReferenceSize;
            public long scriptIndexOffset;
            public long secondStringNamesOffset;

            public void ReadHeader()
                BinaryReader BR = new BinaryReader(new FileStream(MapLocation, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read));

        public struct H2Tag
            public string TagClass;
            public string TagPath;
            public long TagID;
            public long MetaOffset;
            public long MetaSize;

I will now give the Header code, I have add what each variable does/is in the comment abouv it.

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       'Go to the header start
            BR.BaseStream.Position = 16

            'Read The IndexOffset
            IndexOffset = BR.ReadInt32()

            'Read our IndexSize
            IndexSize = BR.ReadInt32()

            'Read Our MetaSize and MetaStart
            MetaSize = BR.ReadInt32()

            MetaStart = BR.ReadInt32()

            BR.BaseStream.Position = 288

            'Read the MapBuild
            MapBuild = BR.ReadChars(20)

            BR.BaseStream.Position = 344

            'Read the CrazyOffset and CrazySize
            CrazyOffset = BR.ReadInt32()

            CrazySize = BR.ReadInt32()

            'string ID stuff
            BR.BaseStream.Position = 352
            firstStringNamesOffset = BR.ReadInt32() '352 
            scriptReferenceCount = BR.ReadInt32() '356 
            scriptReferenceSize = BR.ReadInt32() '360 
            scriptIndexOffset = BR.ReadInt32() '364 
            secondStringNamesOffset = BR.ReadInt32() '368 

            BR.BaseStream.Position = 408

            'Read the MapName
            MapName = BR.ReadChars(20)

            BR.BaseStream.Position = 444

            'Read the MapScenario
            MapScenario = BR.ReadChars(80)

            BR.BaseStream.Position = 704

            'Read the FileTableOffset
            FileTableCount = BR.ReadInt32()
            FileTableOffset = BR.ReadInt32()
            FileTableSize = BR.ReadInt32()
            FileTableIndexOffset = BR.ReadInt32()


    char chr;

                //Go to the header start 
                BR.BaseStream.Position = 16;

                //Read The IndexOffset - start of the index 
                IndexOffset = BR.ReadInt32();

                //Read our IndexSize - size of the index 
                IndexSize = BR.ReadInt32();

                //Read Our MetaSize and MetaStart - meta for the tags 
                MetaSize = BR.ReadInt32();

                MetaStart = BR.ReadInt32();

                BR.BaseStream.Position = 288;

                MapBuild = "";
                while ((chr = BR.ReadChar()) != '\0')
                    MapBuild += chr;

                BR.BaseStream.Position = 344;

                //Read the CrazyOffset and CrazySize - size of the crazy raw 
                CrazyOffset = BR.ReadInt32();

                CrazySize = BR.ReadInt32();
                //string ID stuff 
                BR.BaseStream.Position = 352;
                firstStringNamesOffset = BR.ReadInt32();
                scriptReferenceCount = BR.ReadInt32();
                scriptReferenceSize = BR.ReadInt32();
                scriptIndexOffset = BR.ReadInt32();
                secondStringNamesOffset = BR.ReadInt32();
                BR.BaseStream.Position = 408;

                MapName = "";
                while ((chr = BR.ReadChar()) != '\0')
                    MapName += chr;

                BR.BaseStream.Position = 444;

                MapScenario = "";
                while ((chr = BR.ReadChar()) != '\0')
                    MapScenario += chr;

                BR.BaseStream.Position = 708;

                //FileTable - tags strings etc
                FileTableCount = BR.ReadInt32();
                FileTableOffset = BR.ReadInt32();
                FileTableSize = BR.ReadInt32();
                FileTableIndexOffset = BR.ReadInt32();

Like I sayed if i where to explain what ever part of the header did we would be here for ever. If you want a better understanding of this, then place a breakpoint and folow your binary reader through every line in hex. That is the best way to learn. That is it for this sub, lets add some more variables then make another sub. The folowing variables are for the Index:

Code: Select all

'Index Info
Public PrimaryMagicConstant As Long 
Public MapPrimaryMagic As Long 
Public SecondaryMagicConstant As Long 
Public MapSecondaryMagic As Long 
Public ObjectIndexOffset As Long 
Public ObjectIndexPointer As Long 
Public ObjectCount As Long 


        public long PrimaryMagicConstant;
        public long MapPrimaryMagic;
        public long SecondaryMagicConstant;
        public long MapSecondaryMagic;
        public long ObjectIndexOffset;
        public long ObjectIndexPointer;
        public long ObjectCount;
Now make a new sub called ReadIndex.

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 3:52 am
by Aumaan Anubis
Grimdoomer wrote:I will defently finish this christmas night or the day after when I have a lot of free time.

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 5:47 am
by Grimdoomer
I have a life thnk you

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 6:01 am
by Aumaan Anubis
I never accused of not having one.

I merely stated that you have lied.

It's Currently 12:00, now December 27, and you have not finished it.

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 1:25 am
by Grimdoomer
I selpt to 3 today, and im finishing it right now dont loose your panties :P

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 1:26 am
by Aumaan Anubis

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 1:27 am
by plushiefire
thx 4 the great tut :D

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 1:49 am
by Grimdoomer
no problem im adding halo 2 stuff now

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 3:30 am
by Aumaan Anubis

I'll definitely try this out.

And what will this App do?

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 3:56 am
by Grimdoomer
its just for loading tags, dependancys, and reading strings and unicode after that any one who folowed what I sayed should be ok.

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 6:11 pm
by OwnZ joO
It works, but it's done kinda weird from a programming standpoint.

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 8:38 pm
by Grimdoomer
well i would have made everything a seperat class then link them with a class called map or something so you could be like Map.Header.MapName but it would take way to long. Im still finishing the rest now.

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 12:40 am
by XZodia
Grimdoomer wrote:well i would have made everything a seperat class then link them with a class called map or something so you could be like Map.Header.MapName but it would take way to long. Im still finishing the rest now.
ive already done that (H2Forge)

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 1:24 am
by Grimdoomer
yea but for a person who has never programed for halo 2 or maby never programed in thier life this is the easyest way.

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 5:12 pm
by OwnZ joO
That doesn't mean that you should teach them that way.

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 5:46 pm
by Prey
Apart from the numerous spelling mistakes, this "tutorial" is also wrong in a few places.. the map layout isn't exactly right... and also I have no idea why you're storing the header and tag members as 'long's :\

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 6:18 pm
by Aumaan Anubis
You teach them in a way that makes their programming more original and creative, therefore allowing them to do much more than just what you taught them. I don't know if you've done that or not, but that's jsut my two cents.

And when are they getting moved for Submissions to actual Tutorials?

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 10:41 pm
by Grimdoomer
Im not done, I went to the city today, and im going to add the index tags unicode and stringID's. I just posted the map layout, to show where the things im covering are. And I know a cuple things are missing. And why not store the them as longs? there only 4 bytes.

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 10:51 pm
by Prey
Grimdoomer wrote:I just posted the map layout, to show where the things im covering are. And I know a cuple things are missing.
Not only missing.
Grimdoomer wrote:And why not store the them as longs? there only 4 bytes.
Not in .Net..

Code: Select all

C#   | Actual
int  = long
long = quad
In other words, you're using a 64bit datatype to store a 32bit number..

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 10:54 pm
by Grimdoomer
:( well I have only been using C# for one day but I still have a lot to learn. But thanks for pointing tat out. Ill fix it when I get home.