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AI in MP

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 3:27 am
by Aumaan Anubis
AI in MP
By Aumaan Anubis

Entity AI v1.3
Basic modding experience
The lastest Entity plugins

A computer that can easily run Entity's BSP Viewer


Step 1 - Open Entity.

Step 2 - Find a campaign map that contains some form of AI. In my experience, is reliable.

Step 3 - Find "char" in the classes that appear, and click the objects\characters\grunt\ai\grunt.

Step 4 - Clheck Recursive and Parsed, and save the grunt.

Step 5 - Open your multiplayer map.

Step 6 - Press the "Build" button. Find the .info that you saved in Step 4, and build it into your map. Click OK when it says, "Done."

Step 7 - Now, in both your campaign and multiplayer map, navigate to and open the scnr tag. A long list of reflexives should've appeared on both maps.

Step 8 - In the menu bar, go to Window > Tile Horizontal.

Step 9 - In your campaign map, right-click near the reflexives, and click "Clone Chunk."

Step 10 - A small window should've appeared, displaying the maps scnr reflexives. Click Reflexive - Name: Vehicle Pallete, and click the "Copy to Clipboard" button.

Step 11 - Go back to your multiplayer map. You should also have clicked the scnr tag for this map, displaying its reflexives. Right click around the reflexives, and select, "Clone Chunk," again.

Step 12 - Click on "Chunk - Number: 0" and press the button "Add to selected reflex/chunk." Then, press "Add Meta to Map"

Repeat steps 9 - 12 for Chunks...

Reflexive - Name: Weapon Pallete
Reflexive - Name: AI Squad Types
Reflexive - Name: AI Squads
Reflexive - Name: Characters

Step 13 - Close your single player map.

Step 14 - In your multiplayer map, while still in the scnr, go to Tools > Meta Editor.

Step 15 - Scroll down until you see "AI Squads" There should be some check boxes that say, "not initially created," "initially braindead." etc. Check the box that says, "MP Respawn Enabled."

Step 16 - Scroll a little until you see, "Starting Locations" Click the drop down box, and numbers should appear. Take the highest number that occurs, and add 1 to it. That's how many AI can belong to this squad.

Step 17 - Scroll back up to "Number of AI that spawn on Easy" and the legendary one, and change them to your liking. The number you put cannot be higher than the number you figured out in the previous step.

Step 18 - Change the "Character" to the grunt. Change "Primary Weapon" to whatever weapon a grunt has animations for. NULL the AI Orders Index.

Step 19 - Scroll down and NULL BOTH the (440)index's.

Step 20 - Now go back to Starting Locations. Choose 0 for your chunk. Place the X, Y, and Z coordinates.

Now, you may be wondering, how am I supposed to know the coordinates of the map? We'll get there. SAVE the work you've done by pressing the Save button in the meta editor. Navigate to and open the SBSP tag. In the top right corner of Entity, a blue circle with a white plus sign should've appeared. Click it, and go to "View BSP." A 3D form of the map should've appeared on your screen, though it may take awhile to load. Move with A, D, S, W, Z, and X. Find the location where you want your AI to spawn, and move your camera there. In the bottom right corner, coordinates should be recorded. WRITE THEM DOWN. Edit the BSP viewer, and go back to the scnr meta editor.

Step 21 - Input the values into the X, Y, Z coordinate textboxes with the values that you recorded earlier.

Step 22 - Look down a little, and change the "Character" and "Primary Weapon" offsets to their correct "values."

Step 23 - Go back to the Reference Editor. Tools > Reference Editor.

Step 24 - Navigate to and click on the hlmt of the grunt. It is objects\characters\grunt\grunt. Click it, and null ALL of the UDLGs that are linked to it, by right-clicking the Unknown and clicking Swap. Instead of sound\dialog\grunt\..., change it to Nulled Out. Do it for ALL of them. If you do not, the map will freeze whenever your grunt decides to make a sound. It's most likely whenever you shoot it, or whenever it notices you and jumps around in surprise.

Step 25 - Sign the map, and close Entity.

Step 26 - When you go to your modded dashboard, you must enable AI in MP in Yelo for the AI to spawn.

You should now have a grunt in your map, in the location wherever the coordinates are that you recorded earlier.


Why doesn't my grunt move?
Multiplayer maps don't have what is called, "AI Zones." AI need these to move around in a map.

There's no AI spawned! What gives?
Make sure AI in MP is enabled in the Xored Trainer Launcher of Yelo.
Make sure that you checked, "MP respawn enabled" in the meta editor of the scnr.
Make sure that your scnr contains all of the reflexives that you supposedly moved from the campaign map to the multiplayer map.
Make sure that the coordinates you recorded are the correct values for where you want the AI to spawn.
If you're using a biped other than the grunt, such as the marine, Entity may screw it up, not allowing the AI to spawn. When you're going to transfer the char, NULL the bipd reference. Then save it and and build it into your new map. Then transfer the biped seperately through Insolence. Then go back into your char, and reference it back correctly.

Please feel free to PM me if you're having trouble.

AI in MP

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 3:34 am
by Supermodder911
Make sure to note that it requires Yelo running the AI in mp option.

AI in MP

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 3:44 am
by Aumaan Anubis
It was in the FAQ, but I added an extra step for it anyway, thanks.

Also, your whole "Entity messes up bipeds" theory doesn't hold true for the grunt.
Which reminds me...
Added a new FAQ answer.

AI in MP

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 3:58 am
by Supermodder911
Aumaan Anubis wrote:your whole "Entity messes up bipeds" theory doesn't hold true for the grunt.
Yea I know.