XZodia's Plugins

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Re: XZodia's Plugins

Post by Click16 »

XZodia wrote:There were 20 incomplete plugins sitting on my harddrive...
20 incomplete plugins sitting on my harddrive...
And if 1 incomplete plugin were to be written up...
There'd be 19 incomplete plugins sitting on my harddrive...
I sang that bit in my head, is this a modified song lyric, or melody of the sorts? I don't recognize it haha. Or, you know, I could just be dumb. Probably that.
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Re: XZodia's Plugins

Post by JacksonCougar »

99 bottles of beer/
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Re: XZodia's Plugins

Post by Click16 »

JacksonCougar wrote:99 bottles of beer/
Oh it makes sense now! thanks :lol:
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Re: XZodia's Plugins

Post by troymac1ure »

There is an error in the SCNR plugin. It causes errors reading AI data. The issue lies within the Vehicles tag @ offset 112. It should be 84 bytes long, not 86.
ME2 (at least) doesn't account for incorrect reflexive lengths, so removing the UNUSED at offset 76 (size 2) fixes these issues (although the values after may be incorrect).
Last edited by troymac1ure on Thu Aug 07, 2014 2:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: XZodia's Plugins

Post by XZodia »

Fix uploaded, but I don't see why that would effect the AI? It references the palette not the placements...
JacksonCougar wrote:I find you usually have great ideas.
JacksonCougar wrote:Ah fuck. Why must you always be right? Why.
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Re: XZodia's Plugins

Post by troymac1ure »

For viewing it messes up all the other data. Not sure why, but it shifts all the data in memory causing misalignment. I can't remember how I do the loading or ME2, but it doesn't like it. I had to fix this first, now I'll look into the labels thing and why modifying the AI stuff in the BSP viewer breaks the map.
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Re: XZodia's Plugins

Post by XZodia »

I've already done some work to fix the BSP viewer AI, but I didn't finish it.
The first thing is that the viewer doesn't account for the fact that AI Squads have multiple positions in them (one for each member of the squad) and they can be anywhere in the map.

It also doesn't show the right model for the AI.
JacksonCougar wrote:I find you usually have great ideas.
JacksonCougar wrote:Ah fuck. Why must you always be right? Why.
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Re: XZodia's Plugins

Post by troymac1ure »

Here is an updates SCNR plugin. The X,Y,Z and extents of the trigger volumes was pointing to the incorrect offset.
Updated SCNR plugin
(138.55 KiB) Downloaded 586 times
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Re: XZodia's Plugins

Post by troymac1ure »

Just one quick update well checking out projectile collision in the "sbsp.ent" plugin. Under the "Collision Bsp", the edges should be defined as:

Code: Select all

    <struct name="Edges" offset="48" visible="True" size="12" label="">
      <short name="Start Vertex" offset="0" visible="True" />
      <short name="End Vertex" offset="2" visible="True" />
      <short name="Forward Edge" offset="4" visible="True" />
      <short name="Backward Edge" offset="6" visible="True" />
      <short name="Right Surface" offset="8" visible="True" />
      <short name="Left Surface" offset="10" visible="True" />
The only difference is the Left / Right surface listings. Not major, but confusing when trying to decipher the listings manually.
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Re: XZodia's Plugins

Post by troymac1ure »

Nevermind about the Right/Left surfaces. It just occurred to me that the listing would likely take place while being viewed from within the bounds of the collision box, not the outside, which would make them correct.
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Re: XZodia's Plugins

Post by JacksonCougar »

Once upon a time I had code to parse the collision bsp trees from halo working in sunfish. What are you guys trying to do anyways?
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Re: XZodia's Plugins

Post by XZodia »

Different things...

I'm trying to flatten the bases in Beavercreek.
Troy is trying to make a large box.
JacksonCougar wrote:I find you usually have great ideas.
JacksonCougar wrote:Ah fuck. Why must you always be right? Why.
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Re: XZodia's Plugins

Post by troymac1ure »

I'm just trying to decipher a bit more and see what we can get away and what breaks. I just always seem to do it at night when I'm half asleep, so my mental state is never good... Kinda like most of my Entity programming...

For Beaver creek projectile collision (ex: stream), you could just up the vertices level with the ground and change the upper surface planes to match the grass area presumably? Although I suppose it may not like walls left in of 0 width on vertical surfaces that have been flattened.
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Re: XZodia's Plugins

Post by XZodia »

That is pretty much my aim, however knowing what planes to alter is not a straight forward matter (even with a visual guide)
I can get around the resulting flat errors by building custom bases on top using mach's.
JacksonCougar wrote:I find you usually have great ideas.
JacksonCougar wrote:Ah fuck. Why must you always be right? Why.
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Re: XZodia's Plugins

Post by troymac1ure »

XZodia wrote:That is pretty much my aim, however knowing what planes to alter is not a straight forward matter (even with a visual guide)
I can get around the resulting flat errors by building custom bases on top using mach's.
What's the issue with knowing what planes to alter? I assume you're using the collision editor plane mode to know which planes you need to alter and at the same time the collision points can be altered using the point mode to be flat.
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Re: XZodia's Plugins

Post by XZodia »

If your referring to Entitys collision editor then no I'm not using that, its far too basic. (would have to edit every vertex individually *shudder*)
Also, it doesn't have a plane mode. It only does vertices and surfaces.
JacksonCougar wrote:I find you usually have great ideas.
JacksonCougar wrote:Ah fuck. Why must you always be right? Why.
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Re: XZodia's Plugins

Post by XZodia »

...3 years later....

I am proud to present: shad version 1.0
JacksonCougar wrote:I find you usually have great ideas.
JacksonCougar wrote:Ah fuck. Why must you always be right? Why.
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Re: XZodia's Plugins

Post by XZodia »

I got a little over excited and did phmo as well =)
JacksonCougar wrote:I find you usually have great ideas.
JacksonCougar wrote:Ah fuck. Why must you always be right? Why.
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Re: XZodia's Plugins

Post by troymac1ure »

Very nice. I kind of miss the H2 stuff, but I do enjoy spending wasteful hours on other things now. Can't help but check back here now & again.
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Re: XZodia's Plugins

Post by XZodia »

Yea, I genuinely thought I was done with H2, but then this happened...and it turns out that while making mods is an irritating process, writing codez for it still good fun =)
JacksonCougar wrote:I find you usually have great ideas.
JacksonCougar wrote:Ah fuck. Why must you always be right? Why.
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Re: XZodia's Plugins

Post by Click16 »

XZodia wrote:writing codez for it still good fun =)
agreed lol I just enjoy programming
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Re: XZodia's Plugins

Post by DoorM4n »

I live for that irritating process, XZodia! haha. Well...I used to. Awesome yall are still programming! Although I won't be making mods, I'm taking my xbox with me back to my house so I can make some video archives for good mods. I kinda wish Halomods had a better archiving process of some mods, so I'm gonna do a small version. :P
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Re: XZodia's Plugins

Post by xXF3RcHoXx »

DoorM4n wrote:I live for that irritating process, XZodia! haha. Well...I used to. Awesome yall are still programming! Although I won't be making mods, I'm taking my xbox with me back to my house so I can make some video archives for good mods. I kinda wish Halomods had a better archiving process of some mods, so I'm gonna do a small version. :P
Should get back to, I recommend! Also I remember you asked me some time ago (well, not some, but like a year or two lol) 'bout how I do BSP Conversions and the way I mod with H2Core, I don't have any problem to work together on something or teach you my way, let's just get some mods done for the sake of it :P

Also, xzodia, how reliable is your scnr for chunk cloning? :P
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Re: XZodia's Plugins

Post by xxpenguinxx »

I worked with a click about a month or so ago and mapped out the first 16 wheels in the havok physics part of the vehi plugin. The original plugin shown 40 wheels or something but it was missing the wheel size/radius. I also copied some stuff from one of Jackson's vehi plugins.

I'm not home atm but I'll upload the plugin when I get there.
DemonicSandwich wrote:See that? You see that how it is highlighted down here but it's not highlighted right there? Ah, I guess that's what I get for pirating it.
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Re: XZodia's Plugins

Post by XZodia »

No need, I'm in the process of creating a new set of plugins.
JacksonCougar wrote:I find you usually have great ideas.
JacksonCougar wrote:Ah fuck. Why must you always be right? Why.
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