Entity 2.1.24

A wealth of applications with which you will need to mod Halo 2.
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Re: Entity 2.1.23

Post by troymac1ure »

The Spawns are broken up as follows:

Code: Select all

-> BoundingBoxSpawn
-> RotationSpawn
 -> RotateDirectionBaseSpawn 
  -> RotateYawPitchRollBaseSpawn
    -> ScaleRotateYawPitchRollSpawn
When I'm done:
BaseSpawn will contain an abstract Read() & Write() function.
ScaleRotateYawPitchRollSpawn override functions will Read/Write the first 52 bytes (after that tags have unique data)
Similar strategies for the rest as I come to them.
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Re: Entity 2.1.24

Post by troymac1ure »

Version 2.1.24 is out. See front page for more info.

My goal for this release was to allow all older 2.1.xx versions to be done away with. The only issue that I didn't look into was RTH, but I put the code down and have had issues picking it back up in the last week so here it is.
A few additions as well (Namely visual Team spawns, AI squads, Chunk cloner labels, Map header editor, ME2 Extended descriptions, ME2 Color wheel (auto-detect) & ME2 Mass chunk editor).

Anyways, here is the full list of changes/fixes/add-ons. Please try it out and let me know if you find any bugs.

Code: Select all

+BSP Viewer: Team spawn zones save
+BSP Viewer: Team spawn zones visible & selectable
+BSP Viewer: AI Squads: Starting Locations XYZ and Yaw-Pitch
+Hex Editor: Fixed hilighting
+Hex Editor: Added reflexive name display
+ME2: Descriptive text box for "description" attribute
 -BUG: If mouse touches popup tooltip description box flickers
+ME2: Tabs now show data for the plugin used to load the meta (mouse hover)
+ME2: Mass chunk field editor (all/start/stop chunks, auto-add values)
+ME/ME2: Changed Enums.Options & Bitmask.Options from object[] to IFPIO.Option[] for clarity
+ME2: Auto detect colors and use argb_color control
+ME2: Naming conventions (chunk vs reflexive)
+ME2: Fixed "jumping" to shared data within other tags
+Tag renaming to different lengths was allowing too long of name edits
+rgb_color/argb_color plugin types were coded to wrong size
?Reflexives/Labels in chunks -SEEMS TO WORK
+Reflexives/Labels in chunk cloner
+Added map Header information Editor
+Fixed issue with loading bad string indexer labels
+Removed Parsed box checked by default (causes too many issues)
+Removed error that appears when selecting SBSP tags.
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Re: Entity 2.1.24

Post by JacksonCougar »

sweet, gonna check it out.

has the bsp viewer always had z-fighting that bad? How large is the z-far, z-near?!
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Re: Entity 2.1.24

Post by XZodia »

Awesome, been waiting ages for this =)
Unfortunately, I don't have need of it right now, but I'm sure I will in the future...
JacksonCougar wrote:I find you usually have great ideas.
JacksonCougar wrote:Ah fuck. Why must you always be right? Why.
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Re: Entity 2.1.24

Post by troymac1ure »

JacksonCougar wrote:sweet, gonna check it out.

has the bsp viewer always had z-fighting that bad? How large is the z-far, z-near?!
Yes it has I think. Near:0 Far:oo :roll:
Actually not sure, but I think it's almost that. Some multi-part BSPs have no objects close by, so if you clipped the z-far you would never see them and at time you are in enclosed areas (which I suppose could be fixed by opening up the view space with the z-near).
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Re: Entity 2.1.24

Post by DoorM4n »

So it begins!!!

Thanks Troy!!
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Re: Entity 2.1.24

Post by troymac1ure »

Sorry but I ran out of steam so Team Spawns aren't editable in the viewer (but you can see them). Also, Not sure what shape they are supposed to be. They have a lower & upper bounds and inner & outer radii so I just made them Cylinders. Should be close anyways.
Thinking about it, I'm sure marker identifiers could probably be added to the model viewer. Not sure just how much work it would take, but may be possible if JC isn't releasing anything :roll:
Last edited by troymac1ure on Fri Sep 12, 2014 5:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Entity 2.1.24

Post by DoorM4n »

No problem man, your work here is already outstanding. Thanks for putting all your effort into upgrading this!
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Re: Entity 2.1.24

Post by CaptainPoopface »

Troy, I was planning to use the Bsp viewer as a rudimentary marker visualizer, just using some object (like a battle rifle) and scaling its coordinates from the model, then adding Euler rotations after that. A dedicated marker visualizer would be nice, even integrated with the model viewer, but I have to agree with Doorm4n. Every time I use entity, I marvel at how much better it has gotten. Quick tags, plugin set selection, flood fill, ME2, color wheels, recursive ident relinking, working rotations in the bsp viewer... The list goes on and on. Thank you for all you do to make modding easier.
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Re: Entity 2.1.24

Post by troymac1ure »

Thanks guys. For me it has been a tool to learn windows programming and c#. Even now I look back at ME2 and shake my head a bit. It works and I can follow it through, but a better initial plan would've been good. Entity has really allowed me to better my habits, mostly through trials and error. Documenting has now taken a step up as a priority and not an after thought... maybe.
Anyways, I'm not promising anything else anytime soon. For now, I must go fulfill my destiny ;)
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Re: Entity 2.1.24

Post by JacksonCougar »

troymac1ure wrote:[...]Documenting has now taken a step up as a priority and not an after thought[...]
I prefer minimal comments and readable code myself: code should be self-documenting (I don't like line-by-line comments; pisses me off when I see it).
troymac1ure wrote:[...]Anyways, I'm not promising anything else anytime soon. For now, I must go fulfill my destiny ;)
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Re: Entity 2.1.24

Post by CaptainPoopface »

ME2 is awesome. I love the animated bitmaps. Ability to swap plugins is wonderful, and I use the quick tags every time. BSP Viewer used to be a nightmare to use, and it has really come a long way.

My only suggestion would be a horizontal scroll bar on the ME2. I often run on a laptop and don't have the horizontal real estate to see 3 columns of bitmasks. Not a big deal, just something I noticed.

Thank you!
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Re: Entity 2.1.24

Post by OwnZ joO »

JacksonCougar wrote: I prefer minimal comments and readable code myself: code should be self-documenting (I don't like line-by-line comments; pisses me off when I see it).
Agreed, comments are often times not updated when the code changes or say what the code is supposed to do, so they can even be misleading. I prefer to have code that is easy to understand and only comments for why things were done the way they were(if an explanation is needed).
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Re: Entity 2.1.24

Post by troymac1ure »

I have gone from very few comments to commenting almost every line and now met in the middle. I agree code needs to be readable, but sometimes that just can't be the case. In those cases a more detailed explanation of what each section does may be in order. Also, creating comments for functions showing what that function does and what the variables are expected to be is more what I was leaning to. I now see the need for such commenting. It's too easy to just whip a procedure to do something and then leave it uncommented, only to have to look at the code later to see what it's actually doing.
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Re: Entity 2.1.24

Post by troymac1ure »

I need to check this again, but I think although I fixed most bugs, I introduced a new bug wile cleaning up the BSP Viewer code. Pretty sure some of the rotations are incorrect again now. Will look into this soon.
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Re: Entity 2.1.24

Post by OwnZ joO »

troymac1ure wrote:Also, creating comments for functions showing what that function does and what the variables are expected to be is more what I was leaning to. I now see the need for such commenting. It's too easy to just whip a procedure to do something and then leave it uncommented, only to have to look at the code later to see what it's actually doing.
I would argue that if you/others can't gather what the variables are supposed to be based on their name and type then you should probably refactor your code. I'm not against comments by any means, but they're for explaining why things were done a certain way(preferably if done differently than the norm) and not explaining what is being done(that should be gathered from the function names, variable names and the code itself.
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Re: Entity 2.1.24 Fix

Post by troymac1ure »

Found I did have a load/save procedure backwards for the ScaleYawPitchRoll class, so a number of spawns appeared with incorrect rotations in the BSP viewer. The download for 2.1.24 has the fix integrated now, but if you already downloaded it, just download this copy of HaloMap and copy it over the current one (old should be, new is
HaloMap v1.8.zip
updated HaloMap w/ spawn rotation fix.
(110.88 KiB) Downloaded 2421 times
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Re: Entity 2.1.24

Post by Jon God »

I just downloaded this, and tried to use it, it starts up fine, and can load a map, but when I select a tag, it gives me a Windows Forms Error, and a long stack trace, any ideas, or am I missing something obvious?
(177.57 KiB) Not downloaded yet
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Re: Entity 2.1.24

Post by JacksonCougar »

Your plugin has an error or is missing
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Re: Entity 2.1.24

Post by XZodia »

My guess is missing, did you download the plugins I linked you to: viewtopic.php?f=11&t=443 ?
You'll need to tell Entity where they are.
"Tools->Settings->Plugin Folder" should do this for you.
If not try "Edit Plugin Sets"
JacksonCougar wrote:I find you usually have great ideas.
JacksonCougar wrote:Ah fuck. Why must you always be right? Why.
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Re: Entity 2.1.24

Post by Jon God »

XZodia wrote:My guess is missing, did you download the plugins I linked you to: viewtopic.php?f=11&t=443 ?
You'll need to tell Entity where they are.
"Tools->Settings->Plugin Folder" should do this for you.
If not try "Edit Plugin Sets"
That was it yup. Thanks for helping out a newbie. :)
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Re: Entity 2.1.24

Post by xxpenguinxx »

bug report.

- Plugins folder does not save when you check in "Load settings from file". It keeps reverting back to the default location.
DemonicSandwich wrote:See that? You see that how it is highlighted down here but it's not highlighted right there? Ah, I guess that's what I get for pirating it.
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Re: Entity 2.1.24

Post by troymac1ure »

That'll be fixed in the next update for sure :P
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Re: Entity 2.1.24

Post by JonathanX95 »

Hey, I'm receiving this error when trying to select the map under sbsp. I have the latest .NET framework installed, what seems to cause this issue?

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Re: Entity 2.1.24

Post by XZodia »

There seems to be an issue with your sbsp.ent file, it may be missing or corrupt

Download from here: https://www.remnantmods.com/forums/view ... f=11&t=443
Or here: https://www.remnantmods.com/forums/view ... =11&t=1417
JacksonCougar wrote:I find you usually have great ideas.
JacksonCougar wrote:Ah fuck. Why must you always be right? Why.
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