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Understanding Halo 2 Shaders

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2008 6:30 am
by JacksonCougar
Understanding Halo 2 Shaders
All similarly coloured items should be considered linked, and should be changed to mirror each other. Although leaving them different will not destroy a map necessarily it may have adverse effects.
Stem - Determines how all the bitmaps are blended and used within the shader. Changing this should rarely be done, and will rarely result in desirable results as each stem needs certain bitmaps, and perhaps certain shader layouts.

Basemap - the basemap is usually the colour bitmap: it will be rendered almost always as-is by the shader: basemap can be considered the Diffuse map.

Unknown [0] [bitm] - The bumpmap for the shader: can be any bitmap type and the engine will try to convert it into a bumpmap: using normal maps results in working bumps in-game. Bump maps ("black & white" or height maps) may work here as well, although that is untested.

Unknown [3] [bitm] - The detail map for the shader: this bitmap will be rendered much smaller then the basemap and will tile within. It is used to give textures more detail when viewed up close.

In all a shader can contain any of the following bitmap types:
Basemap (diffuse map)
Illuminaton map (self-illume map)
Opacity (usually, if not always, contained within the basemap or bumpmap alpha channel)
Bumpmap (usually, if not always, a normal map)
Reflectionmap (Usually a cubemap, also)
Specularity map (Usually, if not always, contained within the basemap or bumpmap alpha channel)

Re: Understanding Halo 2 Shaders

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2008 6:58 am
by neodos

tex_bump = texture + bumpmap

tex_bump_env = texture + bumpmap + cubemap + rasterizer

tex_bump_env_color_change = texture + bumpmap + cubemap + rasterizer + color change bitm


The stem uses almost same structure but some change the order of the bitmaps in the shad tag.

Re: Understanding Halo 2 Shaders

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2008 7:34 am
by JacksonCougar
Bumpmaps: Can be made with any image image format: ARGB8, DXT1,3,5, And any other 3 channel compression format can store a normal map type image.

Changing the "usage" meta value to Height Map may be necessary to make the shader recognize the image as a bumpmap.

Re: Understanding Halo 2 Shaders

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2008 1:34 pm
by Grimdoomer
Cougar this is your app?

Re: Understanding Halo 2 Shaders

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2008 5:05 pm
by JacksonCougar

Re: Understanding Halo 2 Shaders

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2008 5:12 pm
by Grimdoomer
JacksonCougar wrote:No..
Then whos?

Re: Understanding Halo 2 Shaders

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2008 5:39 pm
by JacksonCougar
The image is of Entity.