Re: Nightwinder2 Updated And Reposted
Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 5:24 pm
In the plugins I dumped there are some new barrel flag values that might work for what you are trying to do;
"stagger fire across multiple markers" and "projectiles fire parallel"... anyways take a look
In the plugins I dumped there are some new barrel flag values that might work for what you are trying to do;
"stagger fire across multiple markers" and "projectiles fire parallel"... anyways take a look
Code: Select all
<struct name="Barrels" offset="720" size="236" maxelements="2" padalign="4" visible="false">
<bitmask32 name="Flags" offset="0">
<option name="Tracks Fired Projectile" description="poo poo ca ca pee pee" value="0" />
<option name="Random Firing Effects" description="rather than being chosen sequentially, firing effects are picked randomly" value="1" />
<option name="Can Fire With Partial Ammo" description="allows a weapon to be fired as long as there is a non-zero amount of ammunition loaded" value="2" />
<option name="Projectiles Use Weapon Origin" description="instead of coming out of the magic first person camera origin, the projectiles for this weapon actually come out of the gun" value="3" />
<option name="Ejects During Chamber" description="this trigger's ejection port is started during the key frame of its chamber animation" value="4" />
<option name="Use Error When Unzoomed" value="5" />
<option name="Projectile Vector Cannot Be Adjusted" description="projectiles fired by this weapon cannot have their direction adjusted by the AI to hit the target" value="6" />
<option name="Projectiles Have Identical Error" value="7" />
<option name="Projectiles Fire Parallel" description="If there are multiple guns for this trigger, the projectiles emerge in parallel beams (rather than independant aiming)" value="8" />
<option name="Cant Fire When Others Firing" value="9" />
<option name="Cant Fire When Others Recovering" value="10" />
<option name="Don't Clear Fire Bit After Recovering" value="11" />
<option name="Stagger Fire Across Multiple Markers" value="12" />
<option name="Fires Locked Projectiles" value="13" />
This works because the marker for that is attached to a node which animates: in theory you can do this with any weapon but we don't have animation injection yet so it would require hand-editing an animation or maybe importing one? Out of my modding depth here :}2. Translate the primary trigger marker of the warthog chain gun so the projectiles go in a spiral as the gun fires. This works on the turret, but I don't know how to attach the spinning turret to a weapon the player can walk around with.